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真空热处理是一种日益普及的热处理技术,广泛应用于宇航、汽车和机械工具领域。本文集中研究了真空炉压力淬火系统的发展,该系统保证工件在硬化过程中获得良好的冶金性能和具有最小的变形。 Vacuum heat treatment is an increasingly popular heat treatment technology, widely used in aerospace, automotive and mechanical tools. This paper focuses on the development of vacuum furnace pressure quenching system, the system to ensure that the workpiece in the hardening process to obtain good metallurgical properties and with minimal deformation.
From the theoretical analysis of the thermionic emission model of current-voltage characteristics, this paper extracts the parameters for the gate Schottky cont
1 临床资料患者女,43岁,农民,于13年前患右颈部淋巴结核和肺结核,治愈1个月后突然出现双眼球明显突出于双下睑,随即去当地医院诊治,诊为“眼球突出征”,给予包扎和消炎,激素
As the feature size of the CMOS integrated circuit continues to shrink, the more and more serious scattering effect has a serious impact on interconnection perf
基质γ-羧基谷氨酸蛋白(matrix gamma linolenic acid protein,MGP)是钙化的天然抑制剂,与冠状动脉钙化程度密切相关。维生素K是MGP活化的必要辅助因子,MGP的非磷酸化未羧化
This paper stuides the structures of 4H-SiC floating junction Schottky barrier diodes. Some structure parameters of devices are optimized with commercial simula
This paper reports that a dual-wavelength white light-emitting diode is fabricated by using a metal-organic chemical vapor deposition method. Through a 200-hour