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说明:为了节省篇幅,“修饰语”(The modifier)写作“M”,“人称代词”(The personal pro-noun)写作“PP”。现代汉语里,PP前面能不能加M,是语法学界比较注意的一个问题。近几十年来,有关这一问题,不少语法著作,直接或间接、或多或少地有所论述。但是,诸说不一,归纳起来,大致有如下三种意见: 其一。PP的“特点是不受任何词类的修饰”,倘若在其前面加M,则是“非常别扭”和“完全没有必要”的; Explanation: In order to save space, “The modifier” is written “M” and “personal pronoun” is written “PP”. In modern Chinese, whether PP can be added in front of PP is a problem that grammarians are paying more attention to. In recent decades, a lot of grammar books have been discussed directly or indirectly, more or less, on this issue. However, there are various opinions. To sum up, there are roughly three kinds of opinions: One is. The “feature of PP is not modified by any part of speech.” If M is added in front of it, it is “very awkward” and “completely unnecessary”;
一、存在问题 1.广东、福建对鳗鱼产品出口监管不一致,使大量广东活鳗被卖到福建加工出口,影响广东鳗鱼出口创汇。 与广东做法不同,福建采用出口鳗场登记报备制度,由检疫部
一九六一年美国肯尼迪就任总统时,他决定邀请一位诗人参加他的就职典礼。他自然而然地选中了罗伯特·弗洛斯特(Robert Frost 1874—1963);一则他们是新英格兰(New England)
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