聚集“四风”问题 做好群众路线教育实践活动

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当前,我州党的群众路线教育实践活动正在深入开展。这次以“为民务实清廉”为主题的党的群众路线教育实践活动,是党的十八大做出的重大部署,是我们党在新形势下坚持党要管党、从严治党的重大决策。对伊犁而言,更具有很强的现实必要性和紧迫感,是坚决贯彻落实中央、自治区关于新疆改革发展稳定重大决策的有力抓手,是各族群众之盼、长治久安之基、科学跨越之要、深化改革之需。人民群众是我们党战胜一切困难取得胜利的根基,群众路线是党的生命线和根本工作路线。我们就是要通过开展党的群众路线教育实践活动,认真倾听群众呼声,切实解决群众难题,扎实为群众办实事,真正把为民务实清廉的价值根植于党员干部的思想和行动之中,更加密切党同人民群众的血肉关系,更加有力地把各族群众紧紧凝聚到党和政府周围,确保党的执政根基和执政地位牢牢建立在更加广泛、更加深厚、更加坚定的群众基础之上。此次教育实践活动,聚焦的突出问题是解决党员干部政治上不够坚强和“四风”问题。 At present, the practice of mass line education in our state is being carried out in depth. This educational campaign aimed at the mass line of the party with the theme of “practicing pragmatic practices and being clean” is a major deployment made by the 18th National Congress of the CPC. It is our party’s adherence to the principle of managing the party’s affairs and strict discipline under the new circumstances. Party’s major decisions. For Yili, it has a strong sense of necessity and urgency. It is a firm grasp of implementing the important decision made by the Central Government and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on major policy decisions concerning the stability and reform in Xinjiang. It is the basis for the prosperity of all ethnic groups, the foundation for long-term peace and stability, the scientific leap-forward We must deepen the need of reform. The masses are the foundation upon which our party triumphing over all difficulties and winning victory. The mass line is the party’s lifeline and its fundamental line of work. We must earnestly listen to the masses ’voices, conscientiously solve the masses’ problems, do practical work for the masses in a down-to-earth manner through the education and practical activities of the mass line of the party, and truly root out the value of practicing the people in a down-to-earth manner in the thinking and actions of party members and cadres. The flesh-blood relations between the party and the masses of the people more effectively bring the masses of all nationalities together to the party and government and ensure that the party’s governing foundation and ruling position are firmly established on a broader, more profound and more determined mass base. The outstanding issue in this educational practice focused on solving the issue of the party members and cadres politically not strong enough and the “four winds” issue.
陷阱一利用定势思维,设置“陷阱”高考中命题者常常利用考生思维定势这一特点,有意编拟一些比较特殊的句子或结构来测试考生对某一知识点的灵活处理技巧和深层理解能力。 Tr