
来源 :新消化病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cuisong521
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目的探讨cerbB2癌基因产物的表达与胃癌发生及胃癌生物学行为的关系.方法应用抗cerbB2癌基因蛋白(P185)的单克隆抗体,采用免疫组化ABC方法对正常胃粘膜(n=9)、各级胃粘膜异型增生(轻度n=10,中度n=6,重度n=7)、早期胃癌(n=18)及进展期胃癌(n=30)进行研究,并与胃癌类型、大小、有无淋巴结转移等作了比较分析.结果正常胃粘膜为阴性,仅在腺体颈部偶见P185蛋白的弱阳性表达.在异型增生病变中则有较高的表达率,并随异型增生程度的增加,表达率逐渐升高,轻、中、重度异型增生表达率分别为50%,833%,857%.P185蛋白在早期及进展期胃癌中的表达率分别为222%和567%.重度异型增生表达率显著高于早期胃癌(P<005),进展期胃癌表达率显著高于早期胃癌(P<005),淋巴结转移组的表达率高于淋巴结未转移组(593%vs238%,P<005),但P185蛋白的表达与胃癌组织学类型及胃癌肿块大小无相关性(P>005).结论cerbB2癌基因有可能参与正常胃粘膜的增殖、修复及癌变过程,P185蛋白阳性的肿瘤可能具有更强的浸润及转移能力. Objective To investigate the relationship between the expression of c-erbB2 oncogene product and the occurrence of gastric cancer and the biological behavior of gastric cancer. Methods Monoclonal antibodies against c-erbB2 oncogene protein (P185) were used. Immunohistochemical ABC methods were used for normal gastric mucosa (n=9) and gastric mucosa dysplasia (mild n=10, moderate). n = 6, severe n = 7), early gastric cancer (n = 18) and advanced gastric cancer (n = 30) were studied, and compared with gastric cancer type, size, with or without lymph node metastasis. Results The normal gastric mucosa was negative, and only the weak positive expression of P185 protein was found in the gland neck. In dysplasia, there was a higher expression rate, and with the increase in the degree of dysplasia, the expression rate gradually increased. The expression rates of mild, moderate and severe dysplasia were 50%, 83%, 3%, and 85.7%, respectively. . The expression rates of P185 protein in early and advanced gastric cancer were 222% and 567%, respectively. The expression rate of severe dysplasia was significantly higher than that of early gastric cancer (P<005). The expression rate of advanced gastric cancer was significantly higher than that of early gastric cancer (P<005). The expression rate of lymph node metastasis was higher than that of lymph node metastasis (59 3% vs238%, P<005), but there was no correlation between the expression of P185 protein and histological type of gastric cancer and tumor size (P>005). Conclusion The cerbB2 oncogene may participate in the proliferation, repair and carcinogenesis of normal gastric mucosa. P185 protein positive tumor may have stronger infiltration and metastasis capacity.
2010年,由以色列文学批评家丹.米兰(Dan Miron)教授执笔的(现代希伯来诗歌中的预言模式》(The Prophetic Mode in Modem Hebrew Poetry)由托比出版社出版(Toby Press,2010),并在美国、英国、以色列等地同时发行。丹.米兰曾是以色列希伯来大学的资深教授,荣退后到美国哥伦比亚大学比较文学系任职。
一怕长期饱食 国内外众多的营养学家研究发现,进食过饱后,大脑中被称为“纤维芽细胞生长因子”的物质会明显增多。这些纤维芽细胞生长因子能使毛细血管内皮细胞和脂肪增多,促使