润物无声花满园 佛山市顺德区乐从小学

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乐从小学前身为镇中心小学,创办于1950年。2004年,乐从镇人民政府推进集约办学,将另外3所农村小学与中心小学合并,易地新建了这所高标准、高规格的现代化全日制公办学校。八年来,乐从小学在留英硕士黄少珊校长的带领下,以“分享与合作”为办学理念,提出了培养“懂礼仪、好学习、爱运动、会生活的现代文明人”的办学目标,建构了具有校本特点的学校课程,通过严格管理和不断拓展课程内涵,师生的综合素质得以不断发展,办学亮点也逐渐呈现,成为了佛山地区的窗口学校之一,成为中国华南地区第一批参与“中英课堂连线”国际合作项目的学校 Lecong Elementary School was formerly Town Center Primary School, founded in 1950. In 2004, Lecong People’s Government promoted intensive schooling and merged three other rural primary schools with Central Primary Schools to newly build this modern full-time public school with high standards and high specifications. In the past eight years, under the leadership of principal Huang Shao-shan who owns the British Master Leosong Primary School, Lecong Elementary School proposed “Sharing and Cooperation ” as the concept of running a school, and put forward the concept of “cultivating modern civilized people who understand etiquette, good study, love sports and will live”. Through the strict management and constant expansion of the course content, the overall quality of teachers and students has been continuously developed. The bright spot of education has also gradually emerged. It has become one of the window schools in Foshan and has become one of the most popular schools in southern China The first schools to participate in the “Sino-British classroom connection ” international cooperation projects
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