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生活是诗,可吟;生活是景,可赏;生活是曲,可歌;生活是茶,可品。其实它更像一碟佳肴,可尝遍生活中的滋味,尝遍生活中的酸甜苦辣。——题记挫折——酸漫漫人生路,挫折在所难免。为此哭过,躲过,最后学会了坦然走过。有时,看到挫折在脚下呻吟时,忽而觉得,挫折不过如此。每个人都知道,醋是酸的。当舌头慢慢习惯于这种酸,自然也不会再因此皱眉。生活这碟菜肴,若将挫折比作其中的醋岂不合适至极?同在口腔,舌头想避开醋,既然躲不过,何不想着去克服,去习惯?人不也是吗?既然逃避不了生活中的挫折,就应该习 Life is poetry, but it’s awkward; life is a sight, you can enjoy; life is a song, song can be; life is tea, can be goods. In fact, it is more like a dish, you can taste the taste of life and taste the bittersweet life. - Inscription frustration - Sour life is a long way to go. Frustration is inevitable. To cry for this, escape, and finally learn to walk calmly. Sometimes, when I see a setback in the foot, I suddenly feel that the frustration is not. Everyone knows that vinegar is sour. When the tongue gets used to this acid, naturally it will not frown again. For this dish of life, if the frustration is likened to the vinegar, it is not appropriate. In the oral cavity, the tongue wants to avoid the vinegar. If you hide, why don’t you want to overcome it and get used to it? Isn’t it also? Since you can’t escape life In the setbacks, we should learn
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笔者任教七年级的语文,发现不少学生的作文内容空洞,只会简单的记叙,不会运用各种描写手法丰富作文内容。一篇约四百字的习作中,学生只会简单地罗列几个事件,出现了十多处“接着”、“然后”。要改变这种状况,笔者认为,必须让学生认识描写、学会描写及掌握描写的技巧。  如今的学生都怕写作文,总觉得没什么东西可写,三言两语就能把事情说清楚了。其实,学生不应把写作文看成机械而繁杂的任务,而应看成是激情感受后的延伸
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
In the latest issue of AJKD,Ritchie et al present an analysis of their database registry of ARVD maintained in Manchester,United Kingdom,that indicates that ide