
来源 :高考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guansea
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新课程倡导学生自主合作学习,这一理念已经得到大家的认同,并且在实践中已经有了很好的应用,等在具体实施策略上效果各异,但这并不是自主合作学习本身的问题;同时,分层教学也是大家关注的热点课题,因为只有真正分层了才能实现有效。因而本文认为在高中化学教学中可以将二者有机结合起来,实施分层次的自主合作学习,这样既尊重了学生的个性和差异,又锻炼和发展了学生的技能和水平,效果反响良好。本文就此探讨了在高中化学教学中实施分层次自主合作学习的具体策略。 The new curriculum encourages students to independently and cooperatively study. This concept has already been accepted by everyone and has been well applied in practice. However, it has different effects on specific implementation strategies, but this is not the issue of autonomous cooperative learning itself. At the same time, teaching in different levels is also a hot issue that everybody pays attention to, because only the real stratification can be effective. Therefore, this paper thinks that in high school chemistry teaching, the two can be combined organically to implement the independent and cooperative learning in different levels, thus not only respecting the individuality and difference of students, but also training and developing the students’ skills and level. This article explores the specific strategies for implementing cooperative learning at different levels in chemistry teaching in senior high schools.
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我局使用的4分、8分邮票出售机,都曾出现过出双张故障,而且机器不告警。机器出双张, 有可能是回路上的毛病,也有可能是出票机械结构上的问题,那么就应分别找寻故障所在。我