兴趣先导 学会学习 整体推进 文化积累——北师大版小学语文教材的特点

来源 :课程教材教学研究.小教研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yvonnechan
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一、编写思路 依据《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》、《九年义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》的精神,总结以往语文教材编写的经验、教训,通过基础研究和对以往语文课程存在问题的研究,我们决心以创新的精神,在本套教材的编写和实验中,力图解决3个问题,一是学习语文的兴趣问题,让学生喜欢语文;二是学习语文的方法问题,让学生会学语文;三是人文性和工具性的统一,让语文学习的过程,既是学习语言文字的过程,又是学习现代文化知识的过程,还是启迪心灵、陶冶情操的过程。我们以“兴趣先导、学会学习、整体推进、文化积累”作为本套教材总的指导思想。 First, the preparation of ideas According to the “Basic Education Curriculum Reform (Trial)”, “nine-year compulsory education language curriculum standards (experimental draft)”, summarizes the experience and lessons learned in the preparation of Chinese textbooks, through basic research and previous language courses There are problems in the study, we are determined to innovate the spirit of this set of textbooks in the preparation and experiment, trying to solve three problems, one is to learn the interest of language, so that students like the language; the second is the method of learning the language, let Students will learn Chinese; third is the unity of humanity and instrumentalism, so that the process of language learning, both the process of learning the language, but also learning the process of modern cultural knowledge, or enlightenment, cultivate sentiments. We take “the pilot of interest, learn to learn, promote the whole, the accumulation of culture” as the guiding principle of this set of teaching materials.
本文给出利用He-Ne激光束通过光栅所产生的夫琅和费衍射,测定光栅常数的一种简便方法。 In this paper, a simple method for determining the grating constant using the Fraunh
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经济全球化在各大企业纷纷到外国建立分公司、跨国合并的现代社会,企业里的员工也来自世界各地。那么,在成见与文化准则之间,怎样才能减少甚至避免冲突呢? Economic globali