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新课标强调课程的基本理念是面向学生,面向生活,面向社会。课程本着面向成长着的学生、面向成长着的学生逐步扩展的生活,这一特性决定新课程理念下的课堂教学应该体现围绕学生面临或将要遇到的问题,帮助学生在探索解决问题的过程中学会学习;掌握知识、提炼方法中完成知识、能力和情感、态度、价值观教育的统一;在教学过程中形成师生互动、生生互动、学习个体与教学资源的互动,强化人与环境的交互影响,以达到发挥人的主观能动性基础上的品德教育的高参与和德育教育功能的多重互动,产生教学共振,达到提高教学效果的目的。 The new curriculum emphasizes the basic concept of the curriculum is for students, life-oriented, community-oriented. The curriculum aims at the students who are growing up and face the gradual expanding life of growing students. This characteristic determines that the classroom teaching under the new curriculum concept should reflect the problems that the students face or will encounter, and help students explore the process of solving the problems Learning in middle school; mastering the unification of knowledge, abilities and emotions, attitudes and values ​​education in mastery of knowledge and refinement methods; forming interaction between teachers and students in life and interaction of students and students, learning the interaction between individual and teaching resources, and strengthening the interaction between people and environment So as to reach the goal of giving play to the high participation of moral education based on the subjective initiative of human beings and the multiple interactions of moral education functions to create the teaching resonance and achieve the goal of improving the teaching effect.
在过去的一年中,俄罗斯在多种场合展示其新研制的武器装备,向世界表明其武器装备的先进性,也是为了在世界军火市场上占据先机,在此介绍其中4种以飨读者。 In the past year
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