
来源 :信息与电脑(理论版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwtmw
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随着经济的发展和时代的进步,我国的教育制度改革也在如火如荼的进行着,传统的教学理念和教育模式已经不适合现代的人才培养计划了,而构建一种新型的人才培养模式是非常必要的。信息技术作为一种时代发展的科技产物,在现代发展有占有重要的地位,积极开展各阶段的信息技术课程教学,在整个教育事业的发展中至关重要。本文通过对信息技术教学的发展进行论述,着重探讨这种新型教育模式的作用与实施途径,旨在使我国初中生的素质得到全面的提高。 With the economic development and the progress of the times, the education system reform in our country is also in full swing. The traditional teaching concept and education model are not suitable for the modern talent cultivation plan. However, constructing a new type of talent training mode is very necessary. Information technology, as a kind of science and technology product of the development of the times, occupies an important position in the development of modern times. Actively carrying out the teaching of information technology in all stages is crucial in the development of the entire educational undertaking. Through the discussion of the development of information technology teaching, this paper focuses on the role of this new type of education and its implementation, aiming at improving the quality of junior high school students in China.
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