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近年来,由于器官移植术的普及、免疫抑制剂的使用以及恶性肿瘤和广谱抗生素的使用,使得侵袭性曲霉病感染率不断上升。由于侵袭性曲霉感染患者缺乏特征性临床症状和影像学指征,微生物培养耗时长且敏感性低,影像学和病理学检查具有副作用和创伤性,很难早期诊断。分子诊断技术中聚合酶链反应(PCR)、实时荧光定量PCR、基因探针技术、斑点杂交等方法具有特异性和敏感性高、快速等优点,在侵袭性曲霉病感染诊断中具有明显的优势,但也存在着局限性,如检验过程缺乏规范化,检测的敏感性和特异性报道不一,在检测过程中易出现假阳性和假阴性。但随着科技的进步,侵袭性曲霉病的分子诊断技术的方法将不断完善,更新,为IA诊断提供新的手段。 In recent years, the prevalence of invasive aspergillosis has been on the rise due to the popularity of organ transplantation, the use of immunosuppressive agents, and the use of malignancies and broad-spectrum antibiotics. Due to the lack of characteristic clinical symptoms and imaging indications in patients with invasive aspergillosis, microbial culture takes a long time and has a low sensitivity, imaging and pathology have side effects and traumatic effects and are difficult to diagnose early. Molecular diagnostic techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR, gene probe technology, dot blot hybridization have the advantages of specificity and sensitivity, rapidity, etc., and have obvious advantages in the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis infection , But there are also limitations, such as the lack of standardization of the testing process, testing the sensitivity and specificity of different reports, prone to false positives and false negatives in the testing process. However, with the progress of science and technology, the molecular diagnostic techniques for invasive aspergillosis will be continuously improved and updated to provide new measures for the diagnosis of IA.
职场里最重要的就是实现自我价值,升职最能体现一个人的成绩被肯定。职场最理想的状态,就是办公室的无形“直升机”里有你的位置。可是,很多人一心只盯着职位、业绩,却时常忽略了一些升职必要的条件。也许你应该问问自己:升职,够资本吗?    什么在阻挡你升职?    不少公司人员都清楚地看到,某些员工作技能很强,但在公司的历次提升中总是与之失之交臂。是什么妨碍了他们的升职?    ●不安心本职工作  时常羡
【内容摘要】随着现代科技的不断发展,高中历史教学中渗入口述资料越来越成为可能。历史是一门具有真实性的学科,所以教师在采集素材时也要用真实的资料来引导学生去了解历史问题。口述资料以其真实有效的内容把学生引入当时的历史环境中,帮助学生去认识历史。  【关键词】口述史 历史教学 真实情景  口述史运用了高科技手段,把真实历史的亲历人物进行口头录制或者视频录制,还原当时的历史情景。这种技术对学生的历史学习
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11月28日,农业部全国饲料工作办公室和中国饲料工业协会在北京举办了“饲料工业职业培训教材首发式”. November 28, the National Feed Office of the Ministry of Agricul