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平面正三角坐标图是近几年高考试题中出现的一种新的坐标图模式。如1998年上海卷第三大题第8小题、2001年上海综合卷第10题、2002年上海卷第53题、2003年广东卷第30题、2004年春季高考安徽文综卷的第1~3题、2005年江苏卷第18、19题及各地的模拟试题。一些考生由于没有掌握它的正确判读方法,很容易失分。平面正三角坐标图是在一个正三角形内作若干条三边的平行线,并标注出三个坐标所代表的变量。要求考生读取这些变量的数据,并根据数据分析和比较一些重要的地理现象、地理特征及其产生的原因等。三角坐标图常见以下模式:1.用来表示地理事物局部与整体的结构比例(包括3种成分的组合比例)。常用百分数(%)表示。如产业构成、就业构成、人口构成(年龄、学历等构成)、贸易结构、组成物质(如土壤中空气、水分、固体物质的体积百分比;大气成分组成;地表水体组成;地壳岩石化学成分组成)等。2.用来表示3种因素的影响力及主导性。例1:图1中,如果①②③分别表示影响工业布局的原料、 Plane is a triangle chart is a recent college entrance examination exam appeared in a new coordinate mode. Such as the 1998 Shanghai volume third major problem eighth small problem, the 2001 Shanghai comprehensive volume the first 10 questions, the 2002 Shanghai volume the first 53 questions, the 2003 Guangdong volume the first 30 questions, the 2004 spring entrance exam Anhui comprehensive edition the first ~ 3 questions, 2005 Jiangsu Volume 18,19 questions and around the simulation test questions. Some candidates because it did not grasp the correct interpretation of the method, it is easy to lose points. Planar regular triangle coordinate is to make a number of trilateral parallel lines in an equilateral triangle and mark the variables represented by the three coordinates. Candidates are required to read the data of these variables and to analyze and compare some of the important geographic phenomena, geographical features and their causes based on the data. Trigonometric chart common patterns as follows: 1. Used to indicate the local and geographical structure of the overall structure (including the proportion of the three components). Commonly used percentage (%) said. Such as industrial composition, employment composition, population composition (age, academic qualifications, etc.), trade structure, compositional materials (such as the volume percentage of air, moisture and solid matter in the soil; composition of the atmosphere composition; surface water body composition; Wait. 2. Used to indicate the influence and dominance of three factors. Example 1: In Figure 1, if ① ② ③ respectively represent the impact of industrial layout of raw materials,
本刊第8期特别策划了“2006年全国中考课改实验区试题大家评”活动,共收到评价稿一百多篇.本栏目就其中一题一评的来稿分类选编,刊登在第9~12期,以飨读者. This issue No. 8
近来美国产业停滞不前,多半是由于技术革新落后之故。在过去一年半中,以商业部为中心进行了大规模的调查。为此美国总统卡特发表了美国技术革新新政策。其要点如下: 第一,到
前言根据 Van Eysinga(1978)挂图上有关早第三纪的定义,该时期应从65百万年延续到22.5百万年,包括古新世、始新世和渐新世,与磁异常29到6B 相当。60百万年时大陆的轮廓(图1)
近来,Jotun集团公司引进了一系列新的容器涂层配方,其中Conseal Touch—Up在各工业部门获得了广泛应用,从新的车辆机架及许多仪器设备和结构钢件直到风蚀镀层的保护均可采用