Melt Quality Evaluation of Ductile Iron by Pattern Recognition of Thermal Analysis Cooling Curves

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The melt quality of ductile iron can be related to the melt’s thermal analysis cooling curve. The freezing zone of the thermal analysis cooling curve was found to indicate the melt quality of the ductile iron. A comprehensive difference parameter, ?, of the thermal analysis cooling curves was found to be related to the properties of ductile iron melts such as composition, temperature, and graphite morphology. As ? ap- proached 0, the thermal analysis cooling curves were found to come together with all the properties indicat- ing melt quality about the same. A database of thermal analysis cooling curves related to the properties of the ductile iron melts was set up as a basis for a method to accurately evaluate the melt quality of ductile iron by pattern recognition of thermal analysis cooling curves. The quality of a ductile iron melt can then be immediately determined by comparing its thermal analysis cooling curve freezing zone shape to those in the database. The melt quality of ductile iron can be related to the melt of thermal analysis cooling curve. The freezing zone of the thermal analysis cooling curve was found to indicate the melt quality of the ductile iron. A comprehensive difference parameter,?, Of the thermal analysis cooling profiles were found to be related to the properties of ductile iron melts such as composition, temperature, and graphite morphology. As? ap-proached 0, the thermal analysis cooling curves were found to come together with all the properties indicat- ing melt quality about the same. A database of thermal analysis cooling curves related to the properties of the ductile iron melts was set up as a basis for a method to accurately evaluate the melt quality of ductile iron by pattern recognition of thermal analysis cooling curves. The quality of a ductile iron melt can then be determined determined by comparing its thermal analysis cooling curve freezing zone shape to those in the database.
《固体工艺》1991年2月份报道,美国ASM外延工艺研究所宣称,该所已首次推出能淀积硅-锗合金外延材料的标准外延工艺设备——Epsilon one单片外延系统.硅-锗合金外延膜在低于65
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