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《论语·先进》中有一段孔子与弟子言志的记载。曾晳在谈自己的志向时说:“莫春者,春服既成,冠者五六人,童子六七人,浴乎沂,凤乎舞雩,咏而归。”对这段话中的“浴乎沂,风乎舞雩”二句,历来的注家都作了错误的解释。如杨伯峻《论语译注》云:“在沂水旁边洗洗澡,在舞雩台上吹吹风。”朱东润主编的《中国历代文学作品选》:“风,作动词用,迎风乘凉。”徐中玉、金启华主编的《中国古代文学作品选》:“浴乎沂:在沂水里洗澡。”“风乎舞雩:在舞雩坛上乘凉。风,用作动词,意指迎风乘凉。”其实,这都是望文生义。如果按照这样的解释,就会使人产生一个无法解释的疑问。莫,是“暮”的古字。暮春,即阴历三月。试想,阴历三月,在北方,天气还相当寒凉,怎么能带着童子到河里洗澡呢?又哪里用得着在高台上乘凉呢?这种解释明显地与情理不合。为了解决这一矛盾,北京大学中国文学史教研室选注的《先秦文学史参考资料》又企图自圆其说:“沂, “Analects of Confucius advanced” there is a record of Confucius and his disciples speech. Zeng Xi said in his own ambition: “Mo Chun, spring uniform, crown five or six people, boys six or seven people, bath Yuyi, Fengyu dance Dan, Yong and go.” In this passage of the “ Banyan peace, Dancing Dance ”two sentences, historians have made a wrong explanation. Such as Yang Boshan “Analects of Confucius” said: “in Yishui next to take a bath, dance on the stage blowing hair.” Zhu Dongrun editor of the “Selected Works of Chinese Literature”: “the wind, as the verb, wind and shade.” Xu Zhongyu, Jinqi Hua The editor of the “Selected Works of Ancient Chinese Literature”: “Bath Huanyi: take a bath in Yishui.” “Wind Dancing 雩: cool dance on the altar altar wind, used as a verb, means the wind and shade.” In fact, this All textual justification. If you follow this interpretation, it will give rise to an unexplained question. Mo, is the ancient word of “twilight”. Late spring, that is, lunar calendar in March. Imagine, lunar calendar in March, in the north, the weather is still quite cold, how can take a boy to take a bath in the river it? Where is the need to take advantage of cool on the high platform? This explanation is obviously inconsistent with the reason. In order to solve this contradiction, Peking University Chinese Literature History Teaching and Research Office selected “Pre-Qin literature history reference materials” and attempt to justify: "Yi,
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