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新修订的《全日制中学英语教学大纲》指出:“语言首先是有声的语言。口语是第一性的。……培养听说能力有助于巩固所学语言知识和提高读写能力。因此,英语教学要重视听说训练和口语能力的培养。”多年来的外语教学实践使我充分认识到,一个英语教师如果能认真使用课堂用语,将会对整个教学起很大作用。它不仅能活跃课堂气氛,加强外语环境的气氛,使学生集中注意力,而且也是培养学生听说能力,直接用英语思考问题的一种有效手段。但是如果使用不适当,也会适得其反,使学生不知所云,影响他们的学习情绪。那么在使用英语课堂用语过程中应注意哪些问题呢?我的体会是: The newly revised “Full-time Secondary School English Syllabus” pointed out: "Language is the first language to speak with sound. Spoken language is the first language.... Cultivating listening and speaking skills helps to consolidate the language knowledge learned and improve literacy. Therefore, English teaching should pay attention to the training of listening and speaking and the cultivation of spoken language ability.” The practice of foreign language teaching over the years has made me fully realize that if an English teacher can seriously use the classroom language, it will play a major role in the entire teaching. It can not only activate the atmosphere of the classroom, strengthen the atmosphere of the foreign language environment, and enable the students to concentrate. It is also an effective means to cultivate students’ listening and speaking ability and think directly in English. However, if it is used inappropriately, it will be counterproductive, leaving students uninformed and affecting their learning mood. What problems should you pay attention to when using English classroom language? My experience is:
●Do you often judge one’s personality throughhis/her facial expressions?你常常通过某人的脸部表情来判断他(她)的个性吗? ●If a stranger smiles at you on a stree
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