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  假如你是我市某中学高三学生李华,最近你们班对牛津高中英语教材 (Advance With English) 的使用情况进行了一次调查,调查结果如下表。请你根据调查内容写一篇短文,并代表全班同学用e-mail发给牛津英语出版社编辑,并提出你的建议。
  注意:1. 不要逐字翻译。2. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。
  Nowadays a lot of schools keep their students in school all day long.
  One possible version:
  Nowadays a lot of schools keep their students in school all day long. Students have different opinions about it.
  Some of the students think they enjoy less freedom and have little chance to get in touch with society. They are not able to fully develop their interests and hobbies,. Therefore, they have less interest in their studies.
  Some others think school is the best place to get knowledge so they should put their heart into their lessons. Some students lack the ability to control themselves. Once out of school, they may lose control of themselves and do something that will influence/affect their studies.
  Personally, it is necessary to keep students at school. But at the same time schools should organize various activities so that students can enjoy their school life. (I don’t agree to keep students at school all day. Schools should offer students more free time to develop their personal interests.
  随着世界各国对孔子的研究愈来愈热,全球第三届孔子学院大会于2008年12月9日至12月11日在北京人民大会堂胜利召开,来自78个国家和地区的孔子学院500多位大学校长、孔子学院代表与中国教育界代表相聚一起。 最近你班同学就“当今世界是否需要研究孔子思想、是否需要创办孔子学院”进行了一次讨论。讨论结果如下表所示。请根据表中内容写一篇150词左右的英语短文。
  注意:1.词数 150 左右。短文开头写好部分不计入总词数。
   片面的—one-sided 评价— evaluate
  Dear Editor,
   Recently, a discussion has been held in our school on whether it is reasonable for universities to admit students through interviews.
  One possible version:
  Dear Editor,
   Recently, a discussion has been held in our school on whether it is reasonable for universities to admit students through interviews. The results are as follows:
   60% of the students support this action. They express that interviews can evaluate a student in a more thorough and comprehensive way. It can encourage students to develop their own interests and personalities. What’s more, with the development of society, a more open and efficient way to test a student’s abilities is needed.
  On the other hand, the other 40% students are against this idea. They hold the view that interviews may be subjective and one-sided, which could lead to unfairness. Another view they support is that not all students are good at showing their talents in interviews. In addition, they think that a student can’t be judged in only three or five minutes.
  In my opinion, in some way, it is a good way to admit students with talents through interviews. For the average students, perhaps it is a wise choice to make good preparations for the College Entrance Examinations. After all, it is the main way to go to college.
文言文断句是高考语文中的一个难点,根据教育部考试中心公布的数据,有的试题的得分率仅为423%。我们认为,只要在透视高考真题的基础上科学实施如下四条复习对策,还是可以突破文言文断句这一难点的。   一、综观五年试题,探究命题规律  全国卷对文言文断句设题考查始于2015年,综观五年来的高考真题,我们可以探寻出2020年高考文言文断句题在命题上的两个基本规律:   1.命题方式——趋于稳定。   
一、重点单词  1. identity2. lay3. delay4. admit  5. blame6. remain7. concern8. raise  9. involve10. urge11. intention12. stand  13. persuade14. anxious15. approach  16. range17. appreciate18. benefit  二、重点单
一、單项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)  1. At the turn of the century, private companies, the law imposed new financial restrictions, had to struggle for a survival.  A. in which B. of which  C. on which D. at whi
向量,既有“数”的抽象,又有“形”的直观,是沟通代数与几何的桥梁.向量的运算是平面向量这一章的重点内容,包含两个层面:一是非坐标下的运算,二是坐标下的运算.在非坐标运算中,主要遵循“基向量”的思想,从向量加法、减法和数乘的原始定义出发.  在三角形中,有一些点是比较重要的,比如三角形的“五心”,即外心、内心、重心、垂心和旁心.下面我们先把这些点叙述一下.  1.外心:三角形三边中垂线的交点,也就是
如果按内容划分,我国古代诗歌可分为山水田园诗、咏物诗、边塞诗、咏怀诗、咏史诗等。  一、山水田园诗  山水田园诗属于写景诗的范畴,侧重于歌咏自然景物中的山水田园。山水田园诗在盛唐形成一个流派,所以单独列出(至于山水田园诗之外数量更多的写景诗,反倒不很突出了)。古代优秀的山水田园诗,都是佳山胜水的自然美在艺术上的再现,因而具有强烈的感染力,给人以美的享受。这类诗歌的特点是“一切景语皆情语”,即诗人笔
本文就2016年江苏高考英语各题型失分情况作一些分析。  首先是听力。考生不知道审题、听不懂部分关键词是导致听力失分的原因。根据《英语教学大纲》、《高考英语指导意见》和英语教育专家要求,考听力之前,要把题目看清楚,预测它想考什么,在听的过程中仔细听内容,勾出答案后,马上看下一题,当听不清楚时,快速勾出答案,不要在这个题上纠结太久。听完之后,把答案快速填入答题卡中。但从对2016年高考英语听力的分析
摘 要:2016年淮安市中考思想品德试卷第27题,融知识、能力考查与价值引领于一体,令人回味。我们从试题赏析中感悟到,应指导学生注重积累,厚积薄发,精彩展示信息素养;疑中拨雾,授之以法,提升学生思维品质;不忘初心,继续前行,将立德树人的根本任务落地生根,以发展学生的核心素养。  关键词:亮点赏析;核心素养;教学启示  乍看2016年淮安市中考思想品德试卷第27题,似显平淡无奇,但仔细品读,却真有点