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  1. At the turn of the century, private companies, the law imposed new financial restrictions, had to struggle for a survival.
  A. in which B. of which
  C. on which D. at which
  2. Frank firmly to the belief that human kindness would overcome evil.
  A. submitted B. subscribed
  C. corresponded D. committed
  3. Shes late for work every day, but she still has the nerve to lecture me about .
  A. punctuality B. priority
  C. preference D. privilege
  4. Everything into consideration, she eventually decided to further her education at home.
  A. having taken B. to be taken
  C. being taken D. taken
  5. The exhibition, sponsored by the local government, will illustrate life evolved from water.
  A. whose B. what
  C. how D. where
  6. —What do you suggest he do to get rid of the financial trouble?
  —As is often the case in the business world, he should the dangerous situation he is in now.
  A. look up to B. wake up to
  C. live up to D. stand up to
  7. You have been repeatedly told the rules, so there be any difficulty finishing the task.
  A. neednt B. wouldnt
  C. mustnt D. shouldnt
  8. Only when a person has his interests and the work combined the pleasure from it.
  A. can he enjoy B. he can enjoy
  C. did he enjoy D. he enjoyed
  9. —You seem to be familiar with the school campus.
  —I here for three years. Its great to be back.
  A. have taught B. taught
  C. had taught D. teach
  10. —He tried hard to explain the phenomenon but I just couldnt understand. Do you?
  — . Im a bit confused as well.
  A. Not really B. Not likely
  C. Of course D. Not a little
  11. Nothing shakes a parents confidence the starting of a childs adolescence.
  A. as well as B. as much as
  C. as good as D. as long as
  12. you fully understand the instructions of the experiment, your life wont be secured.
  A. Unless B. If
  C. Once D. When
  13. When famous people say something silly or do something , the Internet will spread the news in no time at all and keep them alive forever.
  A. comprehensive B. conservative
  C. ridiculous D. reasonable
  14. Longterm to domestic and foreign classics has made him so knowledgeable.
  A. resistance B. submission
  C. admission D. exposure   21. A. scores B. goals
  C. spirits D. dreams
  22. A. chew B. spit
  C. count D. swallow
  23. A. worried B. happy
  C. serious D. casual
  24. A. joke B. problem
  C. contact D. compromise
  25. A. duty B. experience
  C. awareness D. turn
  26. A. dismiss B. unite
  C. handle D. assess
  27. A. stand out B. break out
  C. work out D. come out
  28. A. say B. guidance
  C. response D. reward
  29. A. protect B. defend
  C. excuse D. discourage
  30. A. assist B. motivate
  C. please D. blame
  31. A. want B. deserve
  C. value D. appreciate
  32. A. way B. decline
  C. go D. rise
  33. A. offer B. require
  C. seek D. preserve
  34. A. academics B. sports
  C. exams D. competitions
  35. A. risking B. controlling
  C. winning D. cooperating
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  An Archaeological Tours getaway is an archaeology lovers vacation like no other. We have an exciting selection of tours departing in 2017 with unsurpassed service. Heres a small selection of what we have to offer. Also a code for you: Never allow dogs to run freely there to keep the plants and animals live in peace and get rid of rubbish properly. Be careful to bury your toilet waste and keep to the designed tracks.
写议论文,不同于政治学科上的答论述题。议论文在说理时,不能“裸说”。因为这个“理”就犹如“盐”一样,如果“裸吃”,只会让人吐舌蹙额;只有溶入菜中去吃,才会百味横生。为此,议论文中的说理,要想少一点“说教气”,多一点“语文味”,还需找溶“盐”之“菜”下锅。梳理、整合一下《文汇报》《半月谈》《读者》《青年文摘》等读物中的精妙说理段子,我们可以发掘出提升说理力的如下五件利器:  一、人  议论文说理中所
导数,一向被认为是研究函数问题的“神器”,有些问题看似与导数无关,其实必须依赖导数才可以解决.让我们一起来直击几例导数的应用创新题.  一、函数的零点问题  例1已知函数f(x)=1 x-x22 x33-x44 … x20172017,则函数f(x)在其定义域內的零点个数是()  A.0B.1C.2D.3  解析:求导得f′(x)=1-x x2-x3 … x2016,可知:当x=-1时,f′(x)
多变量最值问题是中学数学常见问题之一,该问题在近年来高考及高考模拟考试中时常出现.由于这类试题的内涵丰富、知识面广、综合性强、解法灵活、变化复杂,主要考查同学们运用数学思想方法、运用“双基”去灵活解决问题的能力,因而大部分学生常常感到困难,不知从何处突破.为解决这一难点,本文主要谈谈如何构造等差数列解决某些非数列的高考中的最大值和最小值问题,供高中师生教与学时参考.   评注: 此题从表面上看似乎
一、学生习作中的常见错误  高考英语写作中要求考生对给定素材进行约30个词的概述,由于没有接受过专门训练,很多考生在平时检测中,基本上是根据字面的意思和个人的理解,从文中直接选用部分词句进行概括,而不去考虑所概述内容是否精炼、准确和全面。经过一段时间的观察,笔者发现主要存在着这样几个问题:1. 概括内容要点不完整;2.使用太多细节内容而不是用概括的语言;3.过多引用原文词句;4.词数过多;5.用第
一、现代文阅读(35分)  (一)论述类文本阅读(本题共3小题,9分)  阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。  “乡土美术”是当代中国主题性美术创作领域一个极其重要的思潮与现象。五四新文化运动以来,尤其是左翼美术运动及革命美术诞生以来,乡土美术一直以视觉图像的方式紧随现代中国的社会变革与实践。党的十八大以来,随着“五位一体”总体布局“四个全面”战略布局的提出,中国当代主题性美术创作乡土叙事也随之出现一
在平时阅读中遇到生词时,学生可能会去查字典,也可能会上网搜索,或者在不影响文章整体理解的前提下采取忽略法,当然也有部分学生采用“猜测”法。词义猜测题是高考英语阅读理解的常考题型,下面结合本人的教学实践就如何应对这一题型,谈谈自己的看法。  一、词义猜测题中常见的几种问题设置  1) The underlined word / phrase in the first paragraph probab
一、填空题(本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分)  1.已知集合A={x|-2  2.“a>b”是“2a>2b”的条件.(请在“充分不必要、必要不充分、充分必要、既不充分也不必要”中选择最为恰当的一个填在横线上)  3.函数f(x)=lnx 1x-1的定义域为.  4.设命题p:“若x>2,则x2>4”,则其否命题为命题.(请在横线上填“真”或“假”)  5.函数f(x)=12x2-lnx的极
Ⅰ. 根据英语和汉语提示完成句子,每小题只能写出一个单词的适当形式  1. The year of high school is a time for hard work and also a time to r.  2. At this time, you have to start thinking about the future and what you want to do after
文言文断句是高考语文中的一个难点,根据教育部考试中心公布的数据,有的试题的得分率仅为423%。我们认为,只要在透视高考真题的基础上科学实施如下四条复习对策,还是可以突破文言文断句这一难点的。   一、综观五年试题,探究命题规律  全国卷对文言文断句设题考查始于2015年,综观五年来的高考真题,我们可以探寻出2020年高考文言文断句题在命题上的两个基本规律:   1.命题方式——趋于稳定。   
一、重点单词  1. identity2. lay3. delay4. admit  5. blame6. remain7. concern8. raise  9. involve10. urge11. intention12. stand  13. persuade14. anxious15. approach  16. range17. appreciate18. benefit  二、重点单