Rational secret sharing as extensive games

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuwei1st
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The threat that comes from previously used punishment strategies in rational secret sharing is weakened because the punishment somtimes also causes loss to the punisher himself.In this paper,we first model 2-out-of-2 rational secret sharing in an extensive game with imperfect information,and then provide a strategy for achieving secret recovery in this game.Moreover,we prove that the strategy is a sequential equilibrium which means after any history of the game no player can benefit from deviations so long as the other players stick to the strategy.In particular,when a deviation is detected,the punishment executed by the punisher is still his optimal option.Therefor,by considering rational secret sharing as an extensive game,we design punishment strategies that effectively punish the deviants and meanwhile guarantee punishers’ benefit.Hence,these punishments are more credible than previous ones.Except assuming the existence of simultaneous channels,our scheme can have dealer off-line and extend to the t-out-of-n setting,and also satisfies computational equilibria in some sense. The threat that comes from previously used punishment strategies in rational secret sharing is weakened because the punishment somtimes also causes loss to the punisher himself. In this paper, we first model 2-out-of-2 rational secret sharing in an extensive game with imperfect information, and then provide a strategy for achieving secret recovery in this game. Moreover, we prove that the strategy is a sequential equilibrium which means after any history of the game no long before the other players stick to the strategy .In particular, when a deviation is detected, the punishment executed by the punisher is still his optimal option.Therefor, by considering rational secret sharing as an extensive game, we design punishment law that substantially punish the deviants and meanwhile guarantee punishers’ benefit. Hence, these punishments are more credible than previous ones. Except assume the existence of simultaneous channels, our scheme can have dealer off-line a nd extend to the t-out-of-n setting, and also for services of the equilibria in some sense.
摘 要: 本文认为,教师应认真研究新教材中的应用问题的实际背景,有的放矢地进行教学,培养学生的数学应用意识,通过建模准确而灵活地运用数学知识解决具有实际意义的或在相关学科、生产、生活中的数学问题。  关键词: 教材 数学建模 数学应用意识  在先行高一、高二的数学教材中,数学应用问题遍及教材的各个方面,选取的材料内容非常丰富、涉及的领域很多,教师要在仔细阅读新课标的基础上,充分挖掘教材优势,培养数
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