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在国际营销中,企业面临着一个基本问题:是采用标准化的营销策略还是采用差异化的策略?也就是把在本国国内销售的产品及其营销方法不加改变地直接带到国际市场,用同样的方式出售相同的产品,还是根据不同的市场环境对产品及营销方法进行修改,以不同的营销方法出售差异化的产品。差异化策略注意到各国文化背景和市场需求的差异性,强调国际市场细分的必要性,而标准化是将世界看成一个大市场的哲学,更看重市场营销的规模经济。 虽然国际市场与国内市场存在着显著的差异,柔性制造系统带来的低成本、少量多样的灵活生产方式对人们一般认为的规模经济效益提出了挑战,但这一切并没有妨碍跨国企业采用高度标准化的营销策略。事实上,一些国际知名企业实施标准化策略并不仅仅是为了规模经济,它们通过标准化塑造名牌,创造市场,面对复杂的国际市场,跨国公司采取了更为灵活务实的做法,标准 In international marketing, enterprises are faced with a basic question: Is it a standardized marketing strategy or a differentiated strategy? That is, they bring products marketed domestically and their marketing methods to the international market without any change and use the same The way to sell the same product, or according to different market environment for product and marketing methods to be modified to different marketing methods for the sale of differentiated products. Differentiation Strategy Noticed the differences between the cultural backgrounds and market demands of various countries, emphasized the necessity of market segmentation in the international market, and standardization is the philosophy of seeing the world as a big market and the scale economy of marketing. Although there are significant differences between the international market and the domestic market, the low cost and a small number of flexible production methods brought by the flexible manufacturing system pose a challenge to people's generally believed economies of scale, but all this does not prevent the multinationals from adopting highly standardized Marketing strategy. In fact, some well-known international enterprises implement the standardization strategy not only for economies of scale, they have adopted a more flexible and pragmatic approach by standardizing brand names, creating markets and facing complicated international markets. The standards
《机械装备生产过程质量监控理论与技术》一书最近由国防科技图书出版基金资助、国防工业出版社出版发行。 “Machinery and equipment manufacturing process quality cont
目的:研究空气净化器甲醛累积净化量影响因素。方法:参照GB/T 18801-2015空气净化器,研究在线分析仪法与化学法测试甲醛累积净化量的差异,分析单日加载量、滤材对净化器甲醛
日本于1955年8月加入关贸总协定(WTO 前身),揭开了日本企业走出国门、参与世界市场竞争的序幕。此后日本企业励精图治,苦心经营,在国际市场上“攻城掠地”,取得了举世瞩目的