Effects of Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation on Atomic Oxygen Erosion of Polysiloxane/SiO_2 Hybrid Coatin

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guiminzhu18
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Polysiloxane/SiO2 hybrid coatings have been prepared on Kapton films by a sol-gel process.The erosion resistance of polysiloxane/SiO2(20 wt pct) coating was evaluated by exposure tests of vacuum ultraviolet radiation(VUV) and atomic oxygen beam(AO) in a ground-based simulation facility.The experimental results indicate that this coating exhibits better AO resistance than pure polysiloxane coating.The erosion yield(Ey) of the polysiloxane/SiO2(20 wt pct) hybrid coating is about 10-27 cm3/atom,being one or two orders of magnitude lower than that of polysiloxane.VUV radiation can affect the erosion process greatly.Under simultaneous AO and VUV exposure,the value of Ey of the polysiloxane/SiO2(20 wt pct) hybrid coating increases by 39% compared with that under single AO exposure. Polysiloxane / SiO2 hybrid coatings have been prepared on Kapton films by a sol-gel process. The erosion resistance of polysiloxane / SiO2 (20 wt pct) coating was evaluated by exposure tests of vacuum ultraviolet radiation (VUV) and atomic oxygen beam (AO) in a ground-based simulation facility. The experimental results indicate that this coating exhibits better AO resistance than pure polysiloxane coating. The erosion yield (Ey) of the polysiloxane / SiO2 (20 wt pct) hybrid coating is about 10-27 cm3 / atom , one or two orders of magnitude lower than that of polysiloxane. VUV radiation can affect the erosion process greatly. Unit simultaneous AO and VUV exposure, the value of Ey of the polysiloxane / SiO2 (20 wt pct) hybrid coating increases by 39% compared with that under single AO exposure.
《国际电子战》2003年10期报道,EADS公司从2001年开始研制第三代DRFM用于机载应用,到目前已基本完成该DRFM的环境测试。 EADS公司认为这种新型DRFM将成为“未来任何一种干扰
人生无完满,缺憾亦美。优雅的人生,是阅尽世事的坦然,是饱经沧桑的睿智,是过尽千帆的淡泊。  尺之木必有节,寸之玉必有瑕。  楚人买珠于郑,以沉香为匣,熏以兰桂,饰以珠玉,插以翠羽,郑人买其椟而还其珠;传国玉玺在西汉时摔去一角,以金补之,其后愈发价值連城,以至相传千年。一反一正,孰优孰劣,不言自明。  沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。  文王拘而演《周易》;仲尼厄而作《春秋》;屈原放逐,乃赋《离骚》