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垫层区是面板坝坝体的重要部分,其质量不仅直接关系到面板和坝体的运行性能,而且也关系到施工渡汛的安全,因此对其要求也格外严格。莲花水电站对此非常重视,3年来,做了大量试验研究工作,并在实践中不断检验和完善,逐渐摸索出一套从垫层料的制备到施工质量控制的新经验,并在施工中发挥了积极作用。 Cushion zone is an important part of the dam of the dams. The quality of the dams is not only directly related to the running performance of the dams and dams, but also relates to the safety of flood-control during the construction. Therefore, the requirements are particularly strict. Lotus hydropower station attaches great importance to this, three years, done a lot of experimental work, and in practice constantly testing and improvement, and gradually developed a set of cushion material from the preparation to the construction quality control of the new experience and play in the construction A positive effect
以新平县勒达、岔河村为调查对象,对窝尼人的语言使用情况及其语言结构系统变化进行定生分析,进而揭示新平县窝尼话濒危的特点及原因。 Taking Leda and Chahe villages in
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The multivariate statistical techniques, principal component analysis, Q-mode factor analysis, correspondence analysis and fuzzy C-means clustering were applied
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按照《公益性地质资料提供利用暂行办法》的规定,下列公益性地质资料自发布之日起提供社会公开利用: 一、比例尺小于 1∶5万(含 1∶5万)区域地质调查资料;二、比例尺小于 1∶
在小浪底,有这样两组英文字母特别引人注目:一组是CGIC—中德意联营体;一组是OTFF—中国水电工程局组成的联营体。 小浪底三大主体工程部分是经过1992年的全面国际招标,分别
采用角度磨抛的方式,在纤芯/包层为20/400μm双包层掺Yb光纤上制作了侧面抽运耦合器.该耦合器对975 nm的半导体二极管抽运光的耦合效率最高可达97%,对1080 nm信号光的泄漏比