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按照《公益性地质资料提供利用暂行办法》的规定,下列公益性地质资料自发布之日起提供社会公开利用: 一、比例尺小于 1∶5万(含 1∶5万)区域地质调查资料;二、比例尺小于 1∶20万(含 1∶20万)区域矿产地质调查资料;三、比例尺小于 1∶20万(含 1∶20万)区域地球化学调查资料;四 According to the provisions of “Tentative Measures for the Provision of Utilization of Public Welfare Geological Information”, the following public welfare geological data shall be provided for public use from the date of promulgation: 1. regional geological survey data with a scale of less than 1: 50000 (including 1: 50000); , The scale is less than 1: 200000 (including 1: 200000) regional mineral geological survey data; Third, the scale is less than 1: 200000 (including 1: 200000) regional geochemical survey data; four
In this paper, the spatial-temporal gravity variation patterns of the northeastern margin of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau in 1992~2001 are modeled using bicubi
摘 要:“殿下”是古代的称谓词,本文通过征引史料对该词的含义、称谓对象的演变及出现的时间进行考证。虽然该称谓广泛应用于对皇子、太子、诸侯、皇后、皇太后、皇帝等的尊称,但是在具体的朝代,其使用也有一定的范围界定。特别值得注意的是,唐以后“殿下”不再称谓诸皇子,而仅作为太子的尊称。用于称谓皇太后始见于三国魏时期,唐代以条文记载的形式明确规定了其对皇太后、皇后的尊称,同时,更不应忽视皇帝也作为“殿下”称
歌剧是一种鼓励明星的艺术——明星歌手、明星指挥、明星导演、明星制作人;而当前的美国歌剧界,更有这样一位明星制作人,她是贝丝·莫理森(Beth Morrison)。对只会进大都会歌
四川盐业地质钻井大队(又名:自贡市井矿盐矿山开发设计院), 建立于1963年,各类专业技术人员486人。现有各类机械岩心钻机9台套、工程地质钻机12台套;全队现有资产总额1.15亿
以新平县勒达、岔河村为调查对象,对窝尼人的语言使用情况及其语言结构系统变化进行定生分析,进而揭示新平县窝尼话濒危的特点及原因。 Taking Leda and Chahe villages in
Two different illites in samples from S0 to L10 loess-paleosol sequence at Heimugou section in Luochuan are identified by decomposition of X-ray diffraction (
The Key Lab of Geophysical Exploration in Northwest Geological Research Institute is a subsidiary one of the Key Lab of Geophysical Exploration, CNPC. The Lab o
The multivariate statistical techniques, principal component analysis, Q-mode factor analysis, correspondence analysis and fuzzy C-means clustering were applied
The pressure gradient of the lithosphere is a key to explaining various geological processes, and varies also in time and space similar to the geothermal gradie