
来源 :江汉石油职工大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rovewind
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焦页24-5HF井是一口焦石区块的三维非常规水平井。该井完钻井深5 090m,起钻至2 948m划眼时发生划出新井眼事故。在处理中,原井眼轨迹数据准确、侧钻过程的轨迹控制及预测准确是侧钻找老眼成功的关键;采用公锥、弯接头等工具进行找眼时,要充分考虑到井径扩大率的影响,确定合适的偏心距,以提高成功率;回填侧钻找眼时,注塞水泥浆密度要高,候凝时间要长,使之达到最大强度,减少与地层硬度的级差;对于老井眼在新井眼上部的情况,要确保钻具造斜能力强于原钻具组合,通过“起降式”的方法,由上部切入老井眼,有效避免回到新井眼;新、老井眼数据的测量,以及找眼施工过程中,最好保证是同一套仪器,以减少因不同仪器而引起的误差干扰判断。 Page 24-5HF well is a three-dimensional unconventional horizontal well in a coke block. The well was drilled at a depth of 5,090 m and a new borehole accident was identified when the mine was drilled to 2,948 m. In the process of processing, the data of the original well trajectory is accurate, and the trajectory control and prediction accuracy of the sidetracking process are the keys to the success of the lateral drilling. When using tools such as male cones and bent joints to find the eye, the well diameter expansion rate Influence, determine the appropriate eccentricity, in order to improve the success rate; backfill sideways to find the eye, the injection of grout density is high, the waiting time is longer, so that it reaches the maximum intensity, reducing the hardness of the formation with the level difference; for the old well Eye in the new hole in the upper part of the situation, to ensure that the drilling tool is better than the ability to make the original drilling rig combination, through the “take-off and landing” method, cut into the old hole from the top, effectively prevent the return to the new hole; Wellbore data measurement, and looking for eye construction process, the best guarantee is the same set of equipment to reduce the error caused by different instruments to determine the interference.
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