
来源 :数学教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:binics
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大跃进的1958年过去了,全校师生以欢欣鼓舞的心情迎接苦战三年中有决定意义的一年——1959年。校长传达了县教育工作会议精神,号召师生在新的一年鼓足干劲、大放卫星,以更大的成绩迎接十届国庆。数学教师根据“数学教学”杂志上介绍的经验,提出在全校开展一个“数学学习突击运动”。通过运动端正学生学习态度,改进学习方法、激发学习自觉性,突破难点,提高学习质量。我们把这动作为共产主义教育运动的继续(当时共产主义教育运动已将结束),通过这次运动,破除迷信、解放思想、消除“在学习上、尤其在数学学习上不能搞突击、不能搞群众运动”、“数学难学、神秘”和“今年劳动多影响了学习质量”等论调,发扬敢想、敢干、互助协作的共产主义 When the Great Leap Forward passed in 1958, the teachers and students of the school welcomed with joy the courageous battle of the decisive year in three years - 1959. The principal communicated the spirit of the county education work conference and called on the teachers and students to work hard in the new year and put satellites on the ground to meet the 10th National Day with even greater achievements. Based on the experience introduced in the magazine “Mathematics Teaching”, mathematics teachers proposed to carry out a “study in mathematics learning assault campaign”. Through the movement, students’ attitudes towards learning are improved, learning methods are improved, learning conscientiousness is stimulated, difficulties are overcome, and learning quality is improved. We took this action as the continuation of the communist education movement (the communist education movement was over at that time). Through this campaign, we broke the superstition, emancipated our minds, and eliminated the need to engage in learning, especially in mathematics studies, and not engage in surprise attacks. “Mass movements,” “difficult mathematics, mystery,” and “more work affecting the quality of learning this year,” and other arguments, to promote daring to think, dare to do, and help each other communism
无论学习哪一种外国语,语音部分总是外语教学中的第一道关,因为在外语教学过程中,一开始就要接触到语音,语音教学的成败,关系到正确地 Regardless of which foreign langua
(一) 目前,教学改革的群众运动,已经在全国范围内蓬勃地开展起来。根据党所提出的“适当缩短年限,适当提高程度,适当控制学时,适当增加劳动”的要求,各地区都在进行较大规模
被共青团中央、国家工商局、中国个体劳动者协会授予全国先进青年个体劳动者荣誉称号的江苏省姜堰市 By the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the State
洪泽湖是中国第四大淡水湖,水域面积2069平方公里,全部位于华东江苏省淮阴市境内。 根据已获国家计委批准《洪泽湖综合开发渔牧业商品生产基地建设规划》,在6年规划期内,湖