
来源 :中国卫生检验杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jibbsb12
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目的:建立石墨炉原子吸收标准加入校正法快速测定全血中镉的方法。方法:取血样0.10 ml,用1 ml/L硝酸和0.1 g/L Triton X-100作为稀释液直接稀释10倍,0.2 g/L氯化钯作基体改进剂,塞曼扣除背景,峰面积定量,石墨炉原子吸收标准加入校正法直接自动进样测定。结果:方法的线性范围为0μg/L~3.0μg/L,线性相关系数r=0.9991,方法的最低检出限为0.081μg/L,相对标准偏差(RSD)为1.8%~7.2%,加标回收率为95.0%~106.0%,应用本法测定冻干牛血铅、镉标准物质GBW09139e、GBW09140e结果与标准值相吻合。结论:本法准确度、精密度良好,样品不需消化,无需正常人血配置标准系列,自动化程度高,是一种简便、快速、可行的全血镉检测方法。 Objective: To establish a method of rapid determination of cadmium in whole blood by adding graphite furnace atomic absorption standard to calibration method. Methods: The blood samples were taken as 0.10 ml, diluted 10 times with 1 ml / L nitric acid and 0.1 g / L Triton X-100 as diluent, 0.2 g / L palladium chloride was used as matrix modifier, , Graphite furnace atomic absorption standard adding calibration method direct automatic sample determination. Results: The linear range of the method was 0μg / L ~ 3.0μg / L with a linear correlation coefficient of 0.9991. The detection limit was 0.081μg / L and the relative standard deviation (RSD) was 1.8% -7.2% The recoveries ranged from 95.0% to 106.0%. The results of the determination of the contents of GBW09139e and GBW09140e for freeze-dried bovine blood lead and cadmium were consistent with the standard values. Conclusion: The accuracy and precision of this method is good, the sample does not need to be digested, the standard series of human blood is not needed, and the degree of automation is high. It is a simple, rapid and feasible whole blood cadmium detection method.
氨基乙酰基脯氨基双肽氨肽酶(以下简称 GP-DAP)是一种具有将二肽氨基乙酰基脯氨酸从肽类 N端水解出来的双肤氨肤酶,存在于肝、肾、唾液腺、结缔组织、血和尿液中 Aminoacet
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The epoxidation of unsaturated fatty acid methyl esters(FAMEs)by peroxyacetic acid generated in situ from hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid was studied in the p