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在我们迎接中国共产党成立八十周年的喜庆气氛中,中国科学技术协会第六次全国代表大会隆重开幕。这是全国科技工作者的节日。我们向大会表示热烈祝贺,向全国科技工作者致敬,向关心和支持科技工作的吝界朋友们表示衷心的感谢!中国古代科技有深厚的传统,直到近代自然科学产生以前曾领先各国千年,在世界科技史上占有特殊地位。中国最早的科技团体产生于十六世纪,近代意义上的科技团体则是戊戌变法时期,上世纪初期一批立志振兴中华的科技工作者建立了中国一批科技组织。中国共产党领导的全国科技工作者团体——中国科协的成立是中国科技事业大发展的重要标志,中国终于拥有具有强大凝聚力和向心力的“科技工作者之家”。中国科协成立以来的历史充分表明,这是一个优秀的团结全国科技工作者的组织,她在党的领导下,为社会主义现代化建设做出了不可磨灭的贡献,她无愧党的信任,她无愧科技工作者的信任。中国科技工作者经风雨欺凌、炼狱煎熬、荣辱沉浮、艰辛曲折、上下求索、九死不悔的探索,终于寻找到一个真理:只有依靠中国共产党领导,中国科技事业才能崛起,中国科技工作者才能扬眉吐气。中国科 In the festive atmosphere in which we welcomed the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, the Sixth National Congress of the China Association of Science and Technology was grandly opened. This is a national science and technology worker's festival. We warmly congratulate the conference, pay tribute to the scientists and technologists in the whole country, and express our heart-felt thanks to those who have expressed their concern and support for science and technology. The ancient Chinese science and technology had a profound tradition until modern natural sciences had previously led the millennium in all countries. The history of science and technology in the world occupies a special position. The earliest scientific and technological organizations in China originated in the 16th century. The scientific and technological organizations in the modern sense are the period of the Reform Movement of 1898. A group of science and technology organizations that determined to rejuvenate China in the early 2000s established a number of Chinese science and technology organizations. The establishment of China Association for Science and Technology, a national science and technology worker's body led by the Chinese Communist Party, is an important symbol of the great development of science and technology in China. China finally has a “home of scientists and technicians” with strong cohesion and solidarity. The history since the founding of China Association for Science and Technology has fully demonstrated that this is an excellent organization that unites the entire nation of science and technology workers. She has made an indelible contribution to the socialist modernization drive under the leadership of the party. She has no doubt of the party's trust and she Worthy of the trust of scientists. China's scientific and technological workers have finally found a truth through the trials and hardships, the ups and downs of ups and downs, the arduous twists and turns, the quest for survival and death, and finally the search for a truth: Only by relying on the leadership of the Communist Party of China can China's science and technology rise to make Chinese scientists proud. . China Branch
本文提出采用响应时域波形来确定合适的力脉冲宽度。当施加的力脉冲使时域波形不再发生变化时,则可认为是合适的力脉冲宽度。文中还给出了采用这一方法的理论依据。 This pa
前序:  为了配合班主任的工作(因为班上许多学生还不能大胆上台说话),并让同学们更好地了解演讲和增进师生之间的了解,特在班上开展了本次演讲活动。  概况:    一、开展“一分钟演讲”活动    同时在重点班A10班和普通班A14班进行。  第一、二节课用来讲解演讲程序,有时间就请学生自告奋勇上讲台演讲。当日上讲台的学生以后可以选择是否再讲,其他学生则在以后利用课堂前约5分钟的时间按座号轮流演讲。
教育的核心是培养人的爱心,培养出爱人如爱己的人。知识的传授就是为了让学生掌握施爱的工具。教育中多彩的爱培育出多彩的世界。 The core of education is to cultivate p