
来源 :中国学校体育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhuo2009ny
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高校体育教学改革走向●黄力生21世纪将是高等教育发生划时代变革的世纪,培养具有竞争意识、开拓意识和全面发展的复合型人才,将是高等教育发展的方向。作为高等教育有机组成部分的高校体育教学必须与高等教育的发展相适应,进行同步改革,才能适应时代的要求。为此,... Towards the Reform of Physical Education in Colleges and Universities ● In the 21st century, Huanglisheng will be the epoch-making revolution in higher education. It will be the direction for the development of higher education to cultivate talents with competitive awareness, pioneering consciousness and all-round development. As an integral part of higher education, physical education in colleges and universities must adapt to the development of higher education, to carry out simultaneous reforms in order to meet the requirements of the times. to this end,...
The potential energy curve of MgH~+ and the potential energy surface of Mg_2H~+ arecalculated by quantum chemical ab initio SCF MO method with STO-3G basis set
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