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课堂教学是教学工作的中心环节,是教学各方面因素和条件的综合体现。创设一个良好的课堂气氛能充分调动学生的情感,使之产生浓厚的兴趣,增强教学效果。根据多年的教学经验,我们仅就此问题谈一点见解。 一、创设良好课堂气氛的基础是建立师生间良好的人际关系 在课堂教学中,我们经常发现这样一种现象:在同一个班,有的教师一进教室,学生就冷淡沉闷。这说明,课堂气氛不仅和教师当堂课的教学有关,而且和师生间人际关系也有联系。在长期的教与学活动中,师生关系融洽,相互信任和理解就为形成积极、生动活泼的课堂气氛打下了基础;相反,长期不融洽、不默契的师生人际关系,必然为冷淡、沉闷的课堂气氛埋下祸根。可见,良好的师生人际关系是创设良好的课堂气氛的基础。 Classroom teaching is a central part of teaching work and is a comprehensive embodiment of all factors and conditions of teaching. Creating a good classroom atmosphere can fully mobilize the students’ emotions, so that they have a strong interest and enhance the teaching effect. Based on years of teaching experience, we only talk about this point of view. First, the foundation for creating a good classroom atmosphere is to establish good interpersonal relationships between teachers and students. In classroom teaching, we often find a phenomenon in which, in the same class, when some teachers enter the classroom, the students are lukewarm and boring. This shows that the atmosphere of the classroom is not only related to the teaching of teachers in class, but also to the interpersonal relationship between teachers and students. In the long-term teaching and learning activities, harmonious teacher-student relationship and mutual trust and understanding lay the foundation for an active, lively atmosphere in the classroom. On the contrary, long-term unfaithful and unintelligible relationships between teachers and students are necessarily cold and cold. Dreary classroom atmosphere buried the bane. It can be seen that good interpersonal relationship between teachers and students is the basis for creating a good atmosphere in the classroom.
怎样指导学生学好英语?这里仅就我个人的经历和体会谈几点看法。 一、要教会学生记忆单词的方法,单词的记忆方法对于外语学习者来说,是多种多样的。有一个单词一个单词死记
一、拓展语文教学视野,认识“无字之书”的重要性 随着语文观念的更新和语文教学改革的深入,越来越多的教师认识到:在“应试教育”向“素质教育”的转变中,语文教学仅培养学
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“说”和“写”是一对孪生姐妹。“说”是用嘴写,“写”是用笔说。“说”和“写”有机联系,相辅相承。作文教学,可从“说”入手,以说导写。 要以说导写,首先必须弄清中学生