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在现代全球经济环境中,企业必须把握好三个关键因素,才能具备竞争优势,即创新能力、行业选择和竞争战略。企业发展的优势有赖于对现状不满足和孜孜不倦的创新活动,这是发展的根本途径,也是提高竞争力和保持竞争优势的最有效的途径。比尔·盖茨曾一言道出微软成功的秘诀,即“不断更新自己”。美国《财富》杂志定期评出美国最受推崇的企业,创新精神正是其中一个重要评选标准。行业选择正确与否也是决定企业命运的关键因素之一。企业应该寻找能带来最高潜在利润的行业,学会利用自身的资源并结合行业结构特点实施成长发展战略。在世界经济走向全球化和信息时代的过程中,开放与合作正变得与竞争同等重要。协同竞争成为当代必须选择的竞争战略。(原载4月11日《市场经济报》) In the modern global economic environment, companies must grasp three key factors in order to have competitive advantages, namely innovation ability, industry selection and competitive strategy. The advantages of enterprise development depend on innovative activities that are unsatisfied with the status quo and tireless. This is the fundamental approach to development and the most effective way to increase competitiveness and maintain competitive advantage. Bill Gates once made a statement about the secret of Microsoft’s success, namely, “update yourself constantly.” The American “Fortune” magazine regularly judges the most respected companies in the United States. The spirit of innovation is one of the important criteria for selection. The right choice of the industry is also one of the key factors that determine the fate of the company. Companies should look for industries that can bring the highest potential profits, learn to use their own resources and combine the characteristics of the industry structure to implement growth and development strategies. In the process of the globalization of the world economy and the information age, openness and cooperation are becoming as important as competition. Collaborative competition has become a competitive strategy that must be chosen in the present. (Originally contained “Market Economy News” on April 11)
通过对农村初中教育资源不足的现状进行分析,阐述了影响学生课外活动开展的诸多因素,并提出建设性意见。 By analyzing the current situation of insufficient junior high
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