
来源 :石油物探译丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arthur2020
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如果用不正确的速度场进行从时间到深度的转换,地震深度偏移就会导致反射面的错误定位和相消干涉。用各向同性的假设来描述各向异性岩石是速度模型误差的主要来源,虽然个别的测量图像不受这样的近似的损害。当不同的测量类型,如VSP和井间反射地震对地下情况的阐明一致时,生成一致的深度偏移图像以及确定一致的速度模型都是很重要的。使用实际数据集作为例子,当把各向异性插入到速度模型中可以成功地达到这两个目的。 Seismic depth migration can lead to false localization and destructive interference of the reflecting surface if the time-to-depth transition is made with an incorrect velocity field. The use of isotropic assumptions to describe anisotropic rocks is a major source of velocity model errors, although individual measurement images are not impaired by such approximations. When different types of measurements, such as VSP and cross-well seismic reflection, are consistent with the subsurface conditions, it is important to generate a consistent depth-migration image and determine a consistent velocity model. Using the actual dataset as an example, both objectives can be successfully achieved when anisotropy is inserted into the velocity model.
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