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【总体阅读思考】 1、《补一补,还能穿》和《共产党人的本色》这两篇短文写的是老共产党员、为中国革命和建设建有功勋的老前辈康克清、曾志的家事。她们完全有理由有条件把生活安排得舒适一些,但她们吃的、穿的、住的、用的,都极其简朴,几十年如一日,请联系当年党中央提出的过几年紧日子的情况思考她们这样做是为了什么?读后受到哪些教育和启迪? 2、《补一补,还能穿》和《共产党人的本色》虽文分两篇,却意归一旨,旨在赞扬这些老共产党员无时无地不以国家革命为重的高尚品格,情操.所以阅读时可视同一篇来读,才能更准确地领会文章深刻的主题和现实意义。 3、两文的取材都具有这样的特点:小中见大、易处见工、浅中有深、平中寓奇.读后思考两文各写了哪些“小”事?体现了怎样的“大”? 4、分析比较两文的语言和结构找出其异同点【阅读入门指津】我们党的高级干部以及那些为中国革命贡献甚大的老前辈是怎样生活、学习和工作的,这是前一时期人们曾比较关心的话题。这两篇短文介绍了康克 【Overall Reading Thinking】 1. The two short essays “Replenishing and Complementing, but Can Wear” and “The Color of the Communists” are written by the old communists, the old ancestors Kang Keqing and Zeng Zhi who have done meritorious deeds for the Chinese revolution and construction. Housework. They have every reason to have conditions to make life comfortable. However, what they eat, wear, live, and use is extremely simple. For decades, they should contact the party’s central government for a few years. What does the situation think of them doing? What education and enlightenment do they receive after reading? 2. Although the article “Replenish one’s complement, but it can be worn” and “The nature of the communists,” is divided into two articles, it is intended to implicate the purpose and to praise These old communist members are always ignorant of the noble character and sentiment of the national revolution. Therefore, when reading, they can be read in the same book to understand the profound theme and practical significance of the article more accurately. 3, both drawing materials have such characteristics: small and medium-sized, easy to see the work, shallow and deep, flat in the odd. After reading to consider what the two articles were written in the “small” thing? reflects what kind of “Big”? 4. Analyze and compare the language and structure of the two languages ​​to find out their similarities and differences. [Reading Tips] How our party’s senior cadres and the older generation who contributed so much to the Chinese revolution lived, studied, and worked. It was a topic that people had been concerned about in the previous period. The two essays introduced Conk
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