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创办宁广眼镜(私人)有限公司崔珏琛,又名崔菊生,宁波市勤州区章水镇樟村人,1910年1月生。父亲崔学诗母亲周氏。崔珏琛幼时家境清寒,靠父亲崔学诗一人以手工箍捅的收入来维持生活。崔珏琛8岁上学,就读于勉行小学。18岁到鄞江镇程大南货店学生意,3年满师后又到上海大明眼镜公司当磨镜片工人。1935年,又同公司职工闻甫康一起去香港,并与庄才英合股开眼镜店。经过4年多的营业,发展不大,于是将眼镜店的产权盘于闻甫康。1941年,崔珏琛去新加坡,在那里开办了宁广眼镜(私人)有限公司。崔珏琛对眼镜业务非常熟悉,平时也能钻研和改进眼镜制作工艺,潜心提高质量,设计美观大方,适应顾客心理。加以他为人诚实,讲信誉,善于经营管理,因此得到广大顾客的好评。宁广眼镜(私人)有限公司规模不断扩大,崔珏琛先后把国内的两个外甥崔钦宝、闻友海领到新加坡,以协助他经营管理宁广眼镜(私人)有限公司业务。关心家乡教育事业崔珏琛十分关心家乡的经济建设和文化教育事业的发展。1985年10月30日,崔珏琛和夫人毛珠利(鄞州区毛岙人)一行,随同新加坡宁波同乡会旅行团来到久 Founded Ning Guang glasses (private) Co., Ltd. Cui Jue Chen, also known as Cui Jusheng, Zhangzhou Township, Zhangzhou, Ningbo Qin Zhangcun people, born in January 1910. His father Cui Xue poetry mother Zhou. Choi Jue Chen young family when cold, by his father Cui Xue po to a hand-stab income to survive. Choi Jue Chen 8 years old school, enrolled in Mianxian primary school. 18-year-old students to Yincheng Zhen Da Nan shop Italian meaning, after 3 years of full-time teacher went to Shanghai Daming glasses when the lens workers wear. In 1935, he went to Hong Kong again with company employee Wen Fukang and opened a joint optical shop with Zhuang Caiying. After more than 4 years of business, little development, so the optical shop property rights in the Pan Fukang. In 1941, Cui Jue Chen went to Singapore, where Ning Guang glasses (private) Co., Ltd. opened. Cui Jue Chen glasses business is very familiar with, usually can study and improve the glasses making process, with great concentration to improve the quality, elegant design, to adapt to customer psychology. To be honest to him, stresses credibility, good at management, so get the majority of customers. Ning Guang glasses (private) Co., Ltd. has been expanding, Cui Jue Chen has the country’s two nephews Cui Qinbao, Wen Youhai received Singapore to help him manage Ning Guang glasses (private) Limited business. Concerned about education at home Cui Jue Chen is very concerned about the economic development of his hometown and the development of cultural and educational undertakings. October 30, 1985, Cui Jue Chen and his wife Maozuli (Yinzhou Mau people) and his entourage, along with the Singapore Association of Ningbo will come for a long time
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