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中等专业技术学校担负着为国家培养输送专业技术人才的重任。它既要培养学生高尚的思想品德,树立正确的人生观、价值观,又要使学生掌握一定的专业技术知识。但是,在我区部分中等专业技术学校教育实践中,“重才轻德”、“重智育、轻德育”的思想,严重影响了中等专业技术学校的思想政治工作,造成学生“只要有本事.走到哪里都可以挣钱的”偏颇认识,使学校的思想政治工作离开载体,游离于专业知识教育之外,成为空洞无物的形式,严重破坏了“全方位对学生进行思想品德教育”的教育格局,阻碍了中等专业技术教育事业的健康发展。 The secondary technical school is responsible for conveying the professional talents for the country. It should not only train students’ noble ideological virtues, establish a correct outlook on life and values, but also enable students to acquire certain professional and technical knowledge. However, in the education practice of some secondary specialized technical schools in our district, the idea of ​​“relying talents with lightness and virtue,” “re-intellectual education, and light moral education” seriously affected the ideological and political work of secondary specialized technical schools, causing students to “As long as you have the ability, you can earn money by walking anywhere.” The biased understanding has left the school’s ideological and political work away from the carrier, and has become an empty form outside of the education of professional knowledge. It has seriously damaged the “all-round” student. The education pattern of ideological and moral education has hindered the healthy development of secondary professional and technical education.
以EMD近年来在联邦铁路管理局所属的运输技术中心 (TTC)进行的各种新技术产品的试验活动为例 ,介绍了TTC在铁路机车车辆及其零部件开发中的重要作用 Taking the test of EMD
叶至诚同志: 您好! 我很高兴在今年《文汇》第一期上读到冰心她老人家为“我喜爱的散文”栏目写的推荐您的《假如我是一个作家》的文章。我之所以感到很高兴,不仅因为您的这
由北京电铁通信信号勘测设计院、北京特锐电子科技开发有限公司和郑州铁路局武汉分局联合研制的“PNX型铁路信号智能电源系统”,2 0 0 0年 8月30日通过了铁道部技术鉴定。与
在中师和中学物理课本中关于温度一节谈到 In the section on temperature in the textbooks for secondary and secondary school physics
中日本铁路公司已宣布了一项山梨磁悬浮试验线的“技术开发计划”。中日本铁路公司官员说 ,磁悬浮技术实用评估委员会 2 0 0 0年 3月对磁悬浮技术进行了评估 ,其结论是 :虽然