Mantle Branch Structure in the South-Central Segment of the Da Hinggan Mts.,Inner Mongolia and Its O

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:agsxuming
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Mantle branch structure is the third tectonic unit of multiple evolution of a mantle branch. It is not only the main mechanism of intercontinental orogeny, but also an important ore-forming and ore-control structure. Studies on geotectonic evolution, regional geological characteristics and ore-forming and ore-control structures have shown that since the Mesozoic the Da Hinggan Mts. region has entered a typical intercontinental orogenic stage, and it is closely related to mantle branch activities. The south-central segment of the Da Hinggan Mts. is a typical mantle branch structure and possesses obvious magmatic-metamorphic complexes in the core, detachment slip beds in the periphery and overlapped fault depression basins. Moreover, all of these are the principal factors leading to ore formation and ore control in the region. This paper also further explores the mechanism of mineralization in the south-central segment of the Da Hinggan, summaries the rules of mineralization, puts forward the models of mineralization and points out future ore-exploring orientation. Mantle branch structure is the third tectonic unit of multiple evolution of a mantle branch. It is not only the main mechanism of intercontinental orogeny, but also an important ore-forming and ore-control structure. Studies on geotectonic evolution, regional geological characteristics and ore -forming and ore-control structures have shown that since the Mesozoic the Da Hinggan Mts. region has entered a typical intercontinental orogenic stage, and it is closely related to mantle branch activities. The south-central segment of the Da Hinggan Mts. is a typical mantle branch structure and possesses obvious magmatic-metamorphic complexes in the core, detachment slip beds in the periphery and overlapped fault depression basins. Moreover, all of these are the principal factors leading to ore formation and ore control in the region. This paper also further explores the mechanism of mineralization in the south-central segment of the Da Hinggan, summaries the rules of mineralization, puts forwar d the models of mineralization and points out future ore-exploring orientation.
患者男, 39岁.以中下腹部疼痛半月并转移性右下腹部痛 7 d于 2002年 4月 14日以"阑尾脓肿,回盲部肿瘤待排"收入院.查体:体温 36℃,脉搏 84次 /分,呼吸 20次 /分,血压 105/82 mmHg(14/11 kPa).全身浅表淋巴结未扪及肿大.腹平软,未见胃肠型及异常蠕动;全腹压痛,以右腹"麦氏点"周围明显;腹肌紧张,右下腹麦氏点偏内可扪及 4 cm× 5 cm大小肿块,质软
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目的 研究无水乙醇治疗肝癌后瘤区连续注射超抗原生物制剂高聚生局部的免疫应答.方法 选取46例肝癌患者,均于无水乙醇注射治疗原位灭活后第3周、第4周和第7周瘤区局部注射高聚生,每次注射1600 U.比较注射高聚生前后治疗区CD3+、CD4+、CD8+、CD57+和CD68+浸润变化情况.结果 CD3+、CD4+、CD57+和CD68+局部浸润较注射高聚生前有明显增高(P<0.01),且持续至注射后第
10号染色体上与张力蛋白同源的酪氨酸磷酸酶基因(phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten,PTEN)是一个新发现的抑癌基因,肿瘤中突变率最高的是其第5外显子(Exon5)和第8外显子(Exon8).本研究于2002年-2004年对膀胱移行细胞癌(TCC)患者PTEN的Exon5和Exon8的突变情况进行研究,现将结果报告如下。
目的 观察全身化疗联合腹腔化疗治疗术后晚期无腹腔积液胃癌的近期疗效和毒副反应.方法 腹腔转移的晚期胃癌32例.全身化疗:TF方案,紫杉醇(TAX)175 mg/m2,静脉滴注,第1天;亚叶酸钙(CF)200 mg/m2,第1,2天;5-氟尿嘧啶(5-Fu)400 mg/m2,静脉推注,第1,2天,600mg/m2,化疗泵持续静脉滴注48 h.腹腔化疗:腹腔穿刺留置导管,将温热生理盐水1 000~1
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