Survivin mRNA expression in urine as a biomarker for patients with transitional cell carcinoma of bl

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Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of bladder is the most common malignant tumor in uropoiesis system. Up to date, there is still lack of an ideal marker for the diagnosis of TCC except CT and MRI imaging and cystoscopy. Cystoscopy is an invasive examination, which increases the possibility of urinary tract infection. Urine cytology has low sensitivity (21% -40%) in diagnosis of bladder cancer, especially for those with medium or high differentiation. The specificity is often affected by factors such as specimen collection, urinary tract infection, etc. Detecting the expression of survivin mRNA in urine by real time-PCR is simple in specimen collection and is sensitive and relatively specific, which provides a simple and noninvasive diagnostic method for TCC. Moreover it allows comparing the gene expression levels at different stages and grades of TCC, which can help define malignancy degree of TCC. Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of bladder is the most common malignant tumor in uropoiesis system. Up to date, there is still lack of an ideal marker for the diagnosis of TCC except CT and MRI imaging and cystoscopy. Cystoscopy is an invasive examination, which increases the possibility of urinary tract infection. Urine cytology has low sensitivity (21% -40%) in diagnosis of bladder cancer, especially for those with medium or high differentiation. The specificity is often affected by factors such as specimen collection, urinary tract infection , etc. Detecting the expression of survivin mRNA in urine by real time-PCR is simple in specimen collection and is sensitive and relatively specific, which provides a simple and noninvasive diagnostic method for TCC. Moreover it allows comparing the gene expression levels at different stages and grades of TCC, which can help define malignancy degree of TCC.
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患者男, 39岁.以中下腹部疼痛半月并转移性右下腹部痛 7 d于 2002年 4月 14日以"阑尾脓肿,回盲部肿瘤待排"收入院.查体:体温 36℃,脉搏 84次 /分,呼吸 20次 /分,血压 105/82 mmHg(14/11 kPa).全身浅表淋巴结未扪及肿大.腹平软,未见胃肠型及异常蠕动;全腹压痛,以右腹"麦氏点"周围明显;腹肌紧张,右下腹麦氏点偏内可扪及 4 cm× 5 cm大小肿块,质软