
来源 :语文教学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zmjmengm1988
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在文言文的教学中,语言教学一直居于重要地位,通假字、实词、虚词、特殊句式、古文今译往往占据了教学的大部甚至全部的时间。这一方面是古今语言有较大的障碍,学习古文,语言是一大难关;另一方面和这几年高考重视字、词、句有很大关系。诚然,重视语言教学是应该的,但如何在此基础上结合写作教学借鉴古文的写法也不应该忽视。目前中学语文课本入选的古文,大多数是素有定评、脍炙人口的好文章。学习这些文章对学生认识历史、增长知识、学习语言、借鉴写法都有很大帮助。在教学时,应根据具体情况作出统一安排,充分发挥这些文章的作用。本文只想就《三峡》、《岳阳楼记》、《醉翁 In the teaching of classical Chinese, language teaching has always occupied an important position. Passing through words, real words, imaginary words, special sentence patterns, and classical translations often occupy most or all of the teaching time. On the one hand, there are major obstacles in ancient and modern languages. Language is a major obstacle when learning ancient Chinese. On the other hand, college entrance examinations have a great relationship with words, words, and sentences in recent years. It is true that paying attention to language teaching should be appropriate, but how to use this combination of writing teaching to learn from ancient writing should not be ignored. At present, most ancient Chinese textbooks for middle school language textbooks are well-established and well-regarded articles. Learning these articles will help students understand history, increase their knowledge, learn languages, and learn how to write. In teaching, a unified arrangement should be made according to the specific circumstances and the role of these articles should be fully utilized. This article only wants “Three Gorges”, “Yueyang Tower” and “Drunkmen”
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平行线是初中平面几何最基本、也是非常重要的图形,它的用处很多.解题时,若能根据题目的特点,恰当地添加平行线,就可巧妙转移线段和角,使一些较复杂的问题变得容易. The par
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一、睡眠法。把鱼放入注有 50%的二氧化碳和 50%的氧气混合气体的水中,经过 25分钟左右,鱼呈麻醉状态时,把鱼拿出来 (睡眠 ), 30多个小时之后再把鱼放在水中,鱼如一梦醒来,又能在水中