American character and American culture

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  Nowadays,America is no doubt projecting its image of the greatest power and endeavoring to exert its impact in every corner of the world.For certain,the intercultural communication becomes more and more frequent.It is high time that we we college students especially English majors learn about American character deeply rooted in American culture.Because we are all in a measure involved in it for globalization.
  For the record,American character is the externalization American culture.American culture molds American character.The iceberg Principle also applies to the relationship between American character and American culture.One eighth of what we can perceive is American character while the rest hidden part is American culture which supports the visible part.Culture is defined as the social behavior and norms found in human societies.Thereupon to some extent character is an essential part of social norms which constitutes culture.Then learning American character offers an access to understand American culture.
  Actually,American character changes over time resulted from multiple factors.Whether contemporary foreign culture or historical reasons can inevitably affect the generation who go through them.For instance,the Great Depression endows people with strong will affecting them profoundly.Take the Civil War as another example,slavery was abolished and black people’s rights were primarily recognized partly accounting for “the melting pot”.Generally speaking,people of different ages have their exclusive memory and peculiar qualities regardless of individual differences.
  Above all,Americans value both hard work and amusement.They consider the ability to work as a blessing as well as a way to fulfill themselves.And they are willing to prolong their working years.As is shown in the American retirement policy,the citizens could get their pension at the age of 62 in advance but only 70 percent.The youngest age that can receive the pension in full is 65.If one chooses to postpone retirement,he could get the delayed retirement credits.The longer he delays,the more pension he will get.Compared with America,retirement in China seems to be much earlier.The recognized age of retirement is between 50 and 60.Besides,just as the saying goes,all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,Americans also play hard. This can be reflected in class.You can have a glimpse of it from the random organization of desks in class.
  Secondly,Americans admire self-made man.That means they appreciate those who are ambitious to fight their way with their own efforts.The belief that the whole destiny is in their hands has become part of their temperament.Countless examples about how a man finds his place in life prove that the belief truly works.One of them is the first black American president Barack Obama’s story.He started his political career on his own single-handedly and was once ashamed of his skin. There was even a time when he became an addict.But fortunately, a silver lining appeared and he worked his way up to the president .Also,such heroes exist in the popular films.The most well-known ones must be the heroes in Justice League and avengers such as superman and batman. Americans have been instilled in such belief of Individualism that everyone could be a hero. Thus no wonder Americans are competitive.   Thirdly,independence and equality count in their culture.We Chinese students are always stunned by the fact that American teenagers over move out of their parents’ home and earn their own living.Actually,it is clearly regulated in law.Historically,America is born dependent since the establishment of Declaration of Independence.In addition, American is a nation that values equality.Declaration of Independence announces that“All Men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights”The equality is highlighted in the equal rights.The Affirmative action,a product of woman and black movement in the 1990s is also a convincing evidence of progressing equality between different ethnic groups and sex.
  To conclude,America is a nation that prizes hard work and amusement,admires self-made man,pursues independence and equality.To communicate with Americans,we English majors should learn their culture embedded in language for language alone is far from sufficient.Besides,every nation has its character which cannot and should not be judged.The communication between nations must be based on mutual respect and understanding.Thus we could avoid culture shock and become more inclusive.
  【作者簡介】Xu Jiaqi, North China Electric Power University (Beijing).
【摘要】体验式学习是一种以学习者为中心的学习方式。通过能使学习者完完全全地参与学习过程,使学习者真正成为课堂的主角。在英语课堂教学中尝试使用体验式学习能为学生的英语学习提供更广阔的教学空间,毕竟“纸上学来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行”。  【关键词】体验学习;教学目标;生活实际思维;情感体验  【作者简介】曹遴凌,昆山市蓬朗中心小学校。  传统课堂中,教学活动以“老师的教”为主线,为了完成教学任务,学生
【摘要】对于小学生来说,兴趣是最好的指导老师。教师在进行小学英语课堂教学活动开展的时候,一定要注重激发学生的求知欲和学习兴趣。采用趣味的方法进行英语课堂的教学活动,不仅符合学生的生理和心理特点,更有助于提高课堂的教学效率,从而化难为易。  【关键词】小学英语;趣味教学;教学有效性  【作者简介】杨兴雨,江苏省灌云县新区实验小学。  兴趣是最好的老师。在小学英语教学过程中,好的英语教师在教学过程中应
【摘要】在传统应试教育的影响下,英语教学只重视读写能力的培养,忽视了听说能力的训练。而听说课是初中英语教学活动课型之一。为了提高英语听说课的效率,在英语听说课推行小组合作学习,改进学生的学习方式,培养学生和发展学生的创新能力和合作能力。本文结合英语教学实际,通过初中英语听说课中有效实施小组合作学习的应用,总结小组合作学习的优势和策略,对初中英语听说课中有效实施小组合作学习的具体措施进行探究。  【
【摘要】本文基于目的论三原则,以《边城》及杨宪益、戴乃迭英译本为语料,采用例证法与比较分析法,探讨译本中隐喻不同的翻译策略。研究发现文学作品中的隐喻有特定功能,其英译首先要遵循目的原则。此外,为增强可读性,中国特色隐喻翻译可遵循连贯原则,而符合译语读者认知体验的隐喻要遵循忠实原则。译者通过依次考虑目的论三原则,选择不同的翻译方法和策略以传播中国文化。  【关键词】《边城》; 目的论; 隐喻; 翻译
【摘要】在初中英语教学中,读与写属于较为关键的教学内容。英语教师在教学中可以将读作为写的基础,将写作为读的延伸,读与写是两个不同的行为,但在某种条件他们又以相互依赖的形式而存在。本文主要分析了英语教师如何利用读写进行有效教学,促进了读写结合的教学方式在初中英语教学中的发展与有效应用。  【关键词】初中;英语;读写  【作者简介】于蕾,新疆维吾尔自治区博乐市第二中学,研究方向:英语学科,初中英语教学
【摘要】一名初中学生要想学好英语,首先要培养自己的阅读能力,积累足够的词汇量,阅读是学生学好英语的重要条件,英语教师要怎样在英语教学过程中培养学生的阅读兴趣是老师教学的关键,也是学生学习的关键。英语教师在给学生讲授英语知识时,不能只局限于初中英语课本,还要拓展学生的思维,结合一些课外阅读材料,对英语阅读上课内容及时进行更新替换,从而培养学生英语阅读兴趣的产生。  【关键词】初中英语;教学;阅读兴趣
【摘要】在职业院校中,英语的地位特别重要,是各个知识运用的连接途径。因此,在英语课堂的教学中,应该利用混合式教学,混合式教学的优点在于其线下和线上的结合学习效应,在教学改革的背景下,也引起了广大教育者的关注。应该如何利用混合教学的方式将高职院校的课程进行组建,提高学习效果的案例如今还为数不多,本文笔者将对混合式教学在职业院校的英语教学中所展开的方法及效果进行反思,并提出具有实效性的观点。  【关键
【摘要】在英语教学过程中,书面表达能力是学生必须具备的一项基本技能。具备良好的书面表达能力,可以让学生更加有效地提升自己的英语学习能力,教师在教学时要充分地重视学生书面表达能力的培养。本文从注重基础内容的训练、加强技能训练教学以及重视作文评价内容这几个方面来简单阐述书面表达能力在高中英语教学中的相关培养策略。  【关键词】基础内容;技能训练;评级内容;高中英语  【作者简介】孙静,徐州市侯集高级中