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顶着《乐》、《世界都市》主编头衔的洪晃,是这样评价美国喜剧片《The Devil Wears Prada》的:如果原著里面把主编说成魔鬼,电影是给魔鬼翻案的。没有任何头衔可顶的我,对这部影片的评价是用行动完成的:结结实实把它看了三遍。第一遍看剧情,第二遍看衣装,第三遍……学英语。女配角艾米丽纯正的英国腔,很有趣。整部电影,是一席声色盛宴,一轮视听冲浪,一部穷奢极欲的广告,一场加长剧情版的米兰时装周——统统关于“时尚圈”。剧中那个初出斯坦福法学院、误打误撞进入世界顶级时尚杂志打工的文学女青年安迪(Andy Sachs),在尝尽了主编米兰达(Miranda Priestly)的刁难,看够了时尚圈的奢靡之后,在得到赏识即将升职的关头,愤而辞职回头是岸,再也不甩所谓“时尚圈”! Hong Kong, the editor-in-chief of “Le” and “World City,” commented on the American comedy “The Devil Wears Prada”: If the original is said to be the devil in the chief editor, the movie is to be turned over to the devil. I do not have any title to the top, the evaluation of this film is done with the action: to see it three times. The first pass to see the plot, the second pass look at clothes, the third time ... learn English. Supporting Actress Emily pure British cavity, very interesting. The whole movie, is a feast, an audio-visual surfing, an extravagant advertising, a longer version of Milan Fashion Week - all on the “fashion circle.” The literary youngster Andy Sachs, who first came out of Stanford Law School and mistyped into the world’s top fashion magazines, was overwhelmed by editor-in-chief Miranda Priestly, After that, at the moment of appreciation of promotion, the resignation of anger is the shore, no longer dumped the so-called “fashion circle”!
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2008“时尚创意空间”与上面三大展同期在上海举办。作为首个由中国纺织工业协会主导,中国纺织服装行业上下游各产业链联合组织的时尚活动,时尚创意空间第一次真正地将 2008
The complete nucleotide sequence of the cloned hepatitis B virus DNA subtype adr in pADR-1 wasdetermined by Maxam and Gilbert’s method. It is 3215 base pairs
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