To Analyze the Chinese Complex in Pearl Buck’s the Earth

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  【Abstract】Pearl Buck is a very special American writer, he is the only American Chinese writer who has lived on the land of China for many years.By exploring her Chinese complex, she can better understand her literary literacy and ideas, among which the Earth is a representative work.
  【Key words】Pearl Buck; Chinese complex; Earth; Analysis
  I. A summary of the Main Contents of the Earth
  The novel tells the story of Wang long, a peasant in old China, who had nothing and became a rich man. Wang long, a poor peasant, married an extended family maid, E Lan.Eran was silent and hardy, even struggling to get up and work in the fields with her husband in the hot sun just after giving birth.But Wang long disliked her not enough beautiful, very cold to her.The famine came and they were forced to make a living in the south.Wang made a fortune by fishing in troubled waters and, with the help of Erlan, returned to his hometown and bought many fields and became rich.He grew more and more disgusted with the mediocre appearance of his wife and married another prostitute。Slowly, he grew old, fading his youthful impetuosity and ambition, and his only wish was to keep his family. He warned his sons not to sell land, the earth is the most precious wealth of mankind, is the foundation of all life.The landlord image in Pearl Buck’s literary context and the landlord image in the almost solidified political context we are familiar with.These may be the reasons why the book was and is being treated in China.It is said that when many Americans read the Earth, they deepened their understanding of China, changed their negative impression of China, and showed goodwill and respect to the Chinese people.Pearl Buck’s hero, more or less idealized color. The author idealized him because he loved him.
  II.The Complext in the Earth
  Her works contain rich Chinese culture. Her masterpiece, the Earth, won the Nobel Prize for Literature for her rich and true epic description of the life of Chinese peasants.The Huang family left the countryside, left the land, moved into the city, and enjoyed the joy of wealth.The decline and eventual bankruptcy of the Huangjia compound gave the most powerful footnotes to the decaying feudal land ownership.However, what is thought-provoking is the process of Wang long’s prosperity and decline, which undoubtedly follows the mistakes of Huang Jia Yuan.Wang long from an unexpected wealth started, gradually become a person with money, with wealth, Tian mu of the matter is no longer involved, but delivered to the housekeeper of the old Qin.At the end of the novel, the readers feel that the unreasonable feudal land system has already fallen into the situation that it is difficult to save themselves, and the social change is inevitable, which fully shows the author’s profound insight into the current situation of the Chinese rural society at that time.Pearl Buck firmly grasped the traditional living state of the Chinese, which had been consolidated by thousands of years of agricultural civilization and feudal culture-the survival of plants.The peasant world in his works is self-sufficient and complete, almost completely untouched by modernizationThe author tells us that every family in China at that time was based on land and every farmer’s life was based on land.Thirty mu of land a cow, wife and children hot Kang head “is the old Chinese farmers generally pursue a comfortable life.”Pearl Buck fully demonstrated the deity worship consciousness of the peasants in Old China in the Earth.One side of the land nurtures one god, and the farmer regards the god as the master of his own destiny. He hopes that the land father-in-law, the mother-in-law of the land, will settle down and provide shelter on his own land. They built many land temples, big and small, and went to burn incense and worship whenever they married and married.Because the earth temple and the god of earth are very common in China, Chinese writers seldom pay attention to them. In the face of such exotic folklore, the author’s observation can be said to be quite meticulous.
  In short, the marriage forms described by the author in the Land are colorful, delicate and in line with the customs of Anhui Province.However, decades have passed, and the marriage patterns and customs of Anhui Province, as described in her works, have also undergone fundamental changes.But as the main form of marriage, such as engagement, its rituals, procedures, norms, as a folk custom into the culture of Anhui Province, deeply rooted in the folk, adding new content and characteristics of the times.
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  [2]Ma,Ruiqi.All Under Heaven: The Portrayal Of Chinese Women In Pearl S. Buck’s Writing[J].Journal of America,2009.
【摘要】英语教学中主要以听、说、读、写四项内容为教学方向和教学目标,其中以相辅相成的形式呈现,提升学生英语写作效果要以此四项基础内容为主,同时结合创新丰富的教学方案,使学生在英语学习期间达到较强的写作水平。本文将通过结合英语阅读促进写作教学效果、为学生设计多元化英语写作主题、组织开展英语写作实践活动等多项措施,对小学英语写作的有效训练策略进行分析。  【关键词】小学英语;写作;训练策略  前言  
【摘要】本文以《普通高中英语课程标准(2017版)》为依据,介绍了一节英语语法课的教学设计,本课通过由易到难的任务设置完成了现在完成时的被动语态的教学,实现了教学目标素养化、教学方式活动化和教学过程情景化。  【关键词】新课标;教学设计;现在完成时的被动语态  【作者简介】苗宪辉(1976.10-),女,汉族,西北师范大学附属中学,中教一级,本科,研究方向:高中英语教育。  为了调动中小学教师应用
【摘要】目前,基于信息网络技术的快速发展,高职院校已经形成了信息化的校园环境。面对这一形势,高职院校英语教学模式需要进行相应的改革,以此来顺应教育教学信息化发展趋势的需求,并促使英语教学质量的提升。本文针对信息化校园环境下高职院校英语课堂模式建设展开探索,并提出相应的建设策略,希望能够给高职院校英语教师提供参考意见。  【关键词】信息化校园环境;高职院校;英语课堂教学模式  【作者简介】苏岚科,夏
【摘要】小学英语教学中,教师要基于教材和学情,针对所欲达成的目标对教材进行内容整合,有利于推进教学、优化课堂。本文在单元整体教学的理念下,基于单元目标、单元主题和单元板块,进行内容整合的实践,从而体现文本内容的层次性、系统性和学情性,促进学生有效学习。  【关键词】教材内容整合;单元备课;小学英语  【作者简介】覃新玉,柳州市融安县实验小学。  近几年,教材内容整合一直是英语教学领域的热门话题之一
【摘要】我国正在将教育体制改革向纵深方向推进,希望在各个学科通过改革促进学生自身素养能力得到根本上的提高。因此,我们就当前初中阶段作为非母语教学内容的英语学科进行分析,充分了解到:英语教学,多年来一直是教学的重点。初中英语教学的现阶段发展情况时刻受到社会教育的关注。本文笔者将听、说、读、写作为阅读理解基础进行实际性探讨,针对如何发挥词汇教学在英语阅读理解的具体作用、具体的措施进行浅要分析。  【关
【摘要】我国高职院校公共英语教学内容和学生就业联系不密切。本文拟从就业为导向、加强教师行业英语水平为基础的师资队伍建设、改进教学方法和教学手段、不同专业的学生英语教材的选择几方面出发构建以就业为导向的高职公共英语教学改革。  【关键词】就业为导向;高职公共英语;教学改革  【作者简介】何丽芳,石家庄职业技术学院。  近年来,高职教育得到了飞速发展,但是传统的重专业轻文化的思想存在,使得高职院校公共
【摘要】在新课改背景下,培养学生的核心素养成为英语教学的首要任务,教师在教学过程中不仅要传授给学生英语知识,还要发挥英语学科的作用,培养学生的核心素养,提高学生的综合素质。本文笔者主要阐述了在英语课堂中培养学生核心素养的重要性,根据学生的特点,制定出培养学生核心素养的有效策略。  【关键词】高中英语;核心素养;有效策略  【作者简介】马朝红,甘肃省白银市第二中学。  近几年,随着新课改不断地深入到
【摘要】英语阅读是提升一个人的素质和文化内涵的途径之一,且英语阅读在高中英语教学课堂中有举足轻重的重要作用,而小组合作学习模式是对全班学生进行科学合理的分配分组,帮助学生更好地掌握学习技巧。  【关键词】高中;英语;阅读教学;小组合作;应用策略  【作者简介】王维维,浙江省诸暨市第二高级中学。  高中学业繁重,英语词汇量、语法和知识点都是负担,为了能够让学生减少压力,教师在英语教学过程中可以科学合
【摘要】中职教育是组成国家教育的重要部分,中职学校则是培养优秀应用型人才的重要场所。当下,随着社会的不断发展,国际交往越来越多,中职英语教学越来越受到人们的广泛关注,如何提高教学有效性成为中职英语教师面临的重要课题。所以本文主要探讨中职英语教师提高教学的有效性的几点策略,助力中职学生英语能力与水平的提升。  【关键词】中职;英语教学;提高有效性  【作者简介】刘玫芳,江西省萍乡市卫生学校。  最近
【摘要】在初中英语的教学课堂中,教师在传授英语知识时运用互动教学法是一种新的挑战,也使一种新的要求为了提高课堂的教学效率,初中英语教师应当在英语的教学中注重自己跟学生之间的互动,在此基础上调动学生学习英语的积极性,从而提高学生的学习效率。本文就互动教学法展开探讨。  【关键词】互动教学法;初中英语教学;教学方法应用  【作者简介】俞明华,浙江省嘉兴市秀洲区油车港镇中学。  在新课程标准的要求下,初