Language and the learner

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  English class in China now is still teacher-centre class, although teachers want to have a student-centre class. Because of the current education policy, we have to pay more attention to the mark of test, which is the evaluation for students’ learning ability. Teachers explain different language points in their first language which makes langauge points easily understood. Therefore, Students find that is very boring and lose interest in it.
  The use of L1 in L2 secondary classroom
  The use of the first language in second language class is a contentious issue (Macaro 2001, p.531). Some linguists view code-switching as inevitable, and feel it helps to express meanings more precisely (Cheng and Butler 1989). Macaro (2005:68) argues “the language of thought for all but the most advanced L2 learners is inevitably his/her L1.” Brooks and Donato (1994, p. 268) hold the opinion that L1 in L2 class, which “is a normal psycholinguistic process that facilitates L2 production and allows the learners both to initiate and sustain verbal interaction with one another.”
  In addition, numerous researches are done to prove the use of L1 in L2 class is necessary. For instance, Eldridge, J. (1996) did a research in a small Turkish secondary- Deniz High School, where English is taught as a second language. Indeed, the students were also asked to offer instances of when they use their mother tongue and gave the reason why they used L1 in L2 class.
  However, some linguists believe the use of L1 in L2 class can serve to pollute a language, rather than enhance the students’ communication (Cheng and Butler 1989). Chaudron (1988) strongly asserts that quantity of exposure to the target language is the primary factor in facilitating the language acquisition process. Indeed, using L1 would undermine students’ learning process (Macdonald 1993).
  Whether excluding L1 from L2 class is always contentious (Macaro 2001, p.531). Some asserts that it is essential to use target language only in L2 class, while others strongly oppose it(Macaro 2001). For me, I think we can resort to L1 when we meet some difficulties in L2 class.
  In fact, in my speaking classe, I spoke English for the whole time. I just try my best to explain the new words and phrases in more simple way in English. I found some students are very active and speak a lot in class, while others often keep silent. So after class, I ask them whether they understood this lesson or not. The result is that some students thought they understood the class totally, and the majority of the students thought they mastered the most of it, while few students of low level felt very frustrated for they just understood the meaning of word referring to the picture, but they could not understand what I explained and what instruction I gave in class because I spoke English in the class for the whole time. So just as the research above mentioned, only use target language in L2 class may accelerate some students’ development, but it may also have negative impact on some students (Eldridge 1996).   According to the feedback of class, I found extremely excluding mother tongue from the second language class is not reasonable, especially for the low- level students in my class. The next lesson I had was grammar lesson, which was about the countable nouns and uncountable nouns, I believe if I use English to explain the grammar for the whole time, some students must be very frustrated. Therefore, first I just try my best to speak English as much as possible and I also resort to some pictures to present the difference between countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Just like Chambers (1992) claims that referring to students would feel tired for listening to target language for a long time, availability of time, the level of students’ understanding, complexity of language, grammar and disruption in class for their bad behaviour, she would revert to the mother tongue in the class. Obviously, this class is a grammar class and some vocabulary, phrases and grammar language point are very complicated, I have to use the first language to explain these so as to let students can get better understanding of the knowledge point. Satisfied, I found the most of students can do the exercises correctly and just few students could not do it totally right. So I would try my best to explain it again in Chinese and let them do extra exercises again to make sure that all of students had mastered the grammar knowledge.
  At last, I felt very satisfied and believed that we should use target language as much as possible in our class, but sometimes we should also resort to the first language to help us to explain difficult knowledge points, therefore, students can feel much easier to understand and master difficult knowledge as well as develop their English.
  [1]Brooks F.and R.Donato.1994.Vygotskian approaches to understanding foreign language learner discourse during communicative tasks.Hispania 77/2:262–74.
  [2]Busato,V.V.,Prins,F.J.,Elshout,J.J.and Hamakera,C.1999.The relation between learning styles,the Big Five personality traits and achievement motivation in higher education.Personality and Individual Differences 26,pp.129-140.
【摘要】古今中外,语言的学习都是从词汇开始的,词汇是一门语言的重要组成部分,而且也是不可缺少的一部分。尤其英语主要是由大量的词汇组成。因此,注重词汇的记忆相当重要。高中相对初中而言,高中生需要掌握更多的词汇量。那么,找到有效的记忆方法规律,抛开死记硬背,学生才能有效率的记住词汇,减轻记忆词汇的难度。结合实际教学方法,了解高中生学习特点,从记忆规律方面入手,达到提到高中学生的英语词汇量。  【关键词
【摘要】信息技术的发展,为课堂教学带来了机遇和挑战。文章结合当今互联网 的信息技术特征和高职学生自身特点,以《商务英语英语阅读与写作》课程为例,尝试建立一种基于蓝墨云班课教学平台的翻转课堂,从而充分发挥学生学习英语的积极性、能动性。  【关键词】蓝墨云班课《商务英语阅读与写作》翻转课堂  信息技术的发展,为传统课堂教学带来了新一轮的机遇和挑战,悄然改变了商务英语专业学生学习商务英语的模式。为了适应
【摘要】对于目前的高中英语阅读课堂教学来讲,其授课形式正在随着时代的发展而产生显著变化,并且通过显著形式逐渐体现出来。本文结合高中英语阅读的授课方式,在教学方案上加以改进,结合多种有效的授课技巧,对“学案导学”的授课方式进行分析,给高中英语阅读课堂教学提出新的思考。  【关键词】高中英语 阅读课程 学案导学  在进行高中英语教学的情况下,我国的教育素质不断提升,为促进高中英语阅读教学水准的提升,紧
【摘要】任务型教学法是指在教学过程中,通过让学生完成相关的学习任务,进而有效的学习到相关知识。为了有效改善高校英语听说课的教学质量,要结合英语教学的实际情况,采取有针对性的任务型教学法,进而为教学质量提供可靠的保障。本文对任务型教学法的课堂设计原则进行了比较深入的分析研究,在此基础上,论述了任务型教学法在英语听说课教学中的具体运用,对于从事相关工作的教职人员具有一定的借鉴意义。  【关键词】英语听
【摘要】师生互动是提高教学效果,积极引导学生参与课堂知识学习的一种学习诱导方式。本文主要针对高校英语专业学生,从学生角度出发,就学生性格、师生课堂互动模式及互动效果进行研究,探讨英语专业学生性格差异对教师课堂互动教学效果的影响。  【关键词】英语专业 学生性格 师生互动 教学效果  【Abstract】The interaction between teachers and students is
【摘要】批評话语分析一般被用来研究和分析政治话语特别是政治演讲。政治演讲是语料中比较重要的一部分,本文以韩礼德的系统功能语法为依据,进一步分析特朗普就职和获胜演讲中的语言特征和其政治演讲的目的。  【关键词】批评话语分析 政治演讲 系统功能语法 语言特征  一、背景知识  1.批评话语分析。批评话语分析(Critical Discourse Analysis)也称为批评语言学(Critical L
【Abstract】Mr. Fu Lei was a famous French literature translator. Most of the works are translated from Balzac, Roman Rolland, Voltaire, Merimee ect. This article through the analysis of The Conquest of
英语和其他语言一样,是承载文化的工具,应透过英语语言本身发掘英语语言的内在美以及它所传递的历史和潜在的意义,从而提高学生学习英语的兴趣。  为了完成此教学使命,在踏进该班之前,我于2017年6月対该班进行了一次英语学习问卷调查,旨在摸清每个孩子的英语学习的基本情况,以达因材施教的目的。  一、从问卷调查的结果来看,学生们的英语学习存在以下问题  1.盲目性。英语学习没有目标,大多情况下,学生学习处
【摘要】中小学新课程标准对“课堂评价”都进行了明确的贯彻,即新的评价体系,要求既关注结果,更重视过程的评价,要以促进发展为核心,且评价内容标准要体现多样化、多维化。  【关键词】素质教育 中学英语  课堂评价作为对学生学习评价的一种方式,是教师日常教学实践活动的重要组成部分,对改进学生的学习和教师的教学有着不可替代的地位和作用。评价贯穿于课堂教学始终,对教师来说是调控教学进程,调节学生情绪,构建和