The Transmission and Communication of Information in Business EnglishCorrespondence

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  【Abstract】China and the world trade increase frequently, business English is a kind of special language of international business activities, an important tool in foreign economic activities, business English correspondence has become the communication between countries, doing business is a deal, and business activities of the important media to establish friendly relations of cooperation. With the rapid development of information technology, the globalization of information, business affairs English correspondence also gradually developed, business English correspondence is becoming more and more important. In fact, business English is related to the international communication. International communication depends on the business English.
  【Key words】Correspondence; Information; Transmission; Communication
  1. Introduction
  Communication is a process of information transfer and communication between people, including ideas, emotions, views, thinking about the exchange process. To obtain the understanding between each other, trust and good human relations are important. It is also the necessary means of communication between people, every social people are inseparable from the communication. Of course, communication is a science and an art, a good way to communicate information .It can let you get something you want, both sides to enhance understanding, let each sides reach a consensus in the mood.
  No matter some people in life or work, interpersonal relationships are dealing with very harmoniously. Confirming and listening to the communication can pass different information to achieve different effects and in business English correspondence, information plays a very important role. Information is considered to be one of the three pillars of modern civilization. In modern society, people living in the sea of information, dealing with information, the moment cannot leave a message every day with the arrival economic integration, the information transferable speed, cross cultural management become more and more complicated. In an organization, information communication has its indispensable existence value. The cultural level for a business can achieve success .So, we master the methods of correct information is very necessary.
  2. The Relationships between English Correspondence and Information
  2.1 The Concept of English Correspondence
  English correspondence in daily business is in order to convey the information, it deals with business matters and contact and communication. Whether in international trade or daily working, information is the foundation of sustainable development. The right information is a good way to promote the business English letter exchanges with other correspondence in the communication, cooperation, communication, cooperation. Communication plays a positive effect. We enter this information society, people talk about the information everywhere. People increasingly heard the word cate with letters, telecommunications documents, such as a letter is to communicate each other letters. English business correspondence is used in the commercial business channel with the rapid development of economy and information technology, business English correspondence has become an integral part of foreign trade, as well as the most commonly used modern foreign trade activities is one of the most effective means of communication. It is a kind of industry English what is mainly used in the foreign economic and trade activities and social activities. Therefore, the role of business English correspondence in foreign trade is meaningful for both sides to communicate accurately and concretely.   2.2 The Concept of Information
  Information reflects the objective things, in essence is the social information, the characteristics, phenomenon and essence of nature and law of description. About the description of information and relevant knowledge and some social practices, we can know that information is using for symbols, signals, or the content of the message contained, eliminate the uncertainty of understandings objective things. Because the information is the law of motion and characterization, therefore the existence of the information is common. And because the information has the temperament of knowledge, so it is crucial to human survival and development. Information is widespread in nature, human society and human thinking. The concept of information is the profound summary of the human social practice, and with the development of science and technology and continuous development. Different areas have different understanding to information. There is something new thought the information is stated motion state of things, reflects the objective facts. The economists believe that information is reflect the characteristics of the objects in the form of it is juxtaposed with material and energy of one of the three major elements of the objective world, the information is the important basis for management and decision making.
  3. English Correspondence and Information A Two-way Street
  Business English correspondence and information are a wizard. Business English correspondence is applied in all stages very widely. It can help enterprise development to find more customers, finding more business opportunities, helping a deal. And communicate it to trade both parties in the contract transfer business information also bring convenience, greatly improving the work efficiency, to promote the benign development of international trade. Foreign trade staff to master certain business English letter writing format and writing skill, using in international trade practice rationally, good results can be achieved.
  Business English correspondence is used in every stage of the information widely. It can help enterprise development to find more customers, to find more business opportunities, helping a deal. And communicating it to trade both parties in the contract transfer business information also bring convenience, improving the work efficiency generally, promoting the benign development of international trade. Foreign trade staff to master certain business English letter writing format and writing skill, rationally they use in international trade practice, good results can be achieved   4. The Considerations of the Development and Application in Foreign Trade Correspondence Information
  The development of information technology, multimedia technology and network technology has given rise to now known as the generation of information society, the letter communication in international business activities have no longer dominate, instead is fax, Internet E-mail more quick, convenient, economical means of communication, however, from the point of information content and form, the basic format of business communication, expression and content compared with the previous letters are not too big change. In a sense, fax and E-mail is sent a letter in a special way of delivery and acceptance letter. The rise of e-commerce, making the business more fully in the choice of business model with the degrees of freedom, with the development of e-commerce, vendors can low cost efficiently distribute through the network advertising, quoted price, orders, contracts, payment, etc. Electronic commerce is the most effective business model of a wide range of applications, the quality and efficiency of international trade has substantially increase and improve, we can boldly predicted that in the foreseeable future, electronic, interest rates and international trade network is the inevitable development direction and trend.
  Under normal circumstances, through the full consultation between the seller and the buyer, the ways and methods of problem solving will soon be found, trade contract can also been fulfilled smoothly. From another perspective, the salesman by maintaining a customer contact, and can understand customer demand for products, but also can deepen feelings, convenient for a more comprehensive and in-depth cooperation in the future, to achieve a win-win trade situation.
  5. Conclusion
  Business English correspondence, as an integral part of international trade, it plays the role of the media, and whatever you throughout every step of the international trade and stage. Business English correspondence in international trade plays a positive role in promoting. Its outstanding contribution is to maximize reduce costs, improve the efficiency of management, make the enterprise between consumers and for effective information communication and exchanges, vigorously develop new customers, retain old customers, promote the growth of imports, improve the international trade of globalization, etc. Business English correspondence has the economic function of correspondence, was widely used in international trade. I stand on the economic and trade of conclusion, English is the international language of today, and business English correspondence occupied three trade brought the important position in international trade. In the future society’s changing, business English correspondence will be to achieve leapfrog development of globalization, information technology popularization trade liberalization plays more and more important role. In the international trade and business English correspondence the development space also is very big, believe that through the joint efforts of people around the world, it will get a bigger development.
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【摘要】学科核心素养一直是课堂教学的重心,高中英语核心素养培养就包括语言能力、学习能力、思维品质和文化品格几大方面。在英语教学中试卷讲评课是综合提升学习能力的重要课型,更是完善教学评价的有效途径。本文就重点针对试卷讲评课中英语核心素养的培养展开深入探究,以期促进学生英语核心素养的全面发展。  【关键词】高中英语;学科核心素养;试卷讲评课;培养  【作者简介】张霞,南宁市银海三美学校。  【基金项目
【摘要】英语教学是一种开放性、多向性、交流性很强的信息活动,是一门综合艺术。恰到好处的课堂“留白”,有助于唤起学生的自尊和自信,留给他们思维驰骋的空间,促使他们用自己独特的体验去阐释、去演绎精彩的“补白”。  【关键词】留白;理论策略;切忌  【作者简介】陆叶,江苏省镇江市大路实验学校。  《新课程标准》明确指出:教学是师生交往、互动,课程体验,追寻生命共同成长的过程。所以课堂“留白”,能让师生都
【摘要】奥斯汀的小说多以男女婚恋为题材,却又不仅仅局限于婚姻的框架中,她在爱情这一传统母题下表达出深刻的道德关怀、人文关怀以及理性原则,她的作品在简单的故事情节中蕴含着深厚的人文内涵。本文主要探讨《曼斯菲尔德庄园》这部小说所蕴含的生态伦理思想,还原作者对当时因工业革命带来的过度追求物质享受和欲望的表达。  【关键词】简·奥斯汀;生态伦理;《曼斯菲尔德庄园》  【作者简介】范丽娜(1981-),女,
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【摘要】本文以混合学习理论为指导,对混合教学的概念进行解读,从课前预习、课中学习、课后拓展、课程评价四个环节入手,试图构建高职非英语专业英语听力课程的混合课堂教学模式,致力于融合线上与线下教学的优势,并进行实证研究。经过一个学年的混合课堂教学,学生英语听力成绩得到提高,教学效果比较明显。该模式丰富了混合教学的研究,为高职非英语专业学生的英语听力学习提供了一些参考。  【关键词】高职英语听力;混合课
【摘要】如何进行教学设计、如何提升学生在线课堂的参与度、如何将线上学习纳入成绩考核,成为任课教师面临的主要问题。本论文以笔者的实际教学经验为基础,探讨 “中国大学MOOC 校内网络教学平台 直播课堂”的混合式教学模式的构建,以期对英美文学类课程的线上教学提供一定的借鉴。  【关键词】美国文学;慕课;网络教学平台;直播课堂  【作者简介】周红燕,山东青年政治学院外国语学院。  面对各种线上教学平台,
【摘要】教师在小学英语教学中相应融合自然拼读法(phonics),发掘教材中与自然拼读相关的语音内容,扎实有效地进行语音教学,让自然拼读法在各个学段中有序、渐进地运用,逐步实现四两拨千斤,优化整体教学效果的目的。  【关键词】小学英语;自然拼读法优化  【作者简介】林雅婧(1983.10-),女,福建莆田人,莆田市城厢区华亭山牌路西小学,一级教师,大学本科,研究方向:小学英语教学。一、自然拼读法的