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忒修斯是希腊神话中阿提卡的英雄,雅典王埃勾斯之子。埃勾斯出外漫游,与特罗曾的埃特拉结婚,离开时留下信物,说如果塔生了儿子,便能够取得信物,去雅典与他相认。忒修斯长大后,成功地取出了信物,前往雅典。途中,他屡建功业。到雅典后,他差点被后母毒死,但埃勾斯认出他,宣布他为继承人。埃勾斯的侄子们为此发动叛乱,失败被杀。到了雅典人每年向牛首人身的怪物进贡7对青年男女时,忒修斯自愿作为贡品前往克里特,杀死了怪物。他曾和父亲约定,如胜利归来就扬起白帆,但回来时忘了扬白帆,结果父亲投海自尽。继承王位后,忒修斯统一了阿提卡,把雅典人分为3个阶层,设立泛雅典娜节,规定了很多习俗。后来忒修斯遭篡权者驱逐,前往斯库罗斯岛,在那里被杀。传说他的遗骸于公元前5世纪运回雅典安葬,雅典人为他建起了宏伟的庙宇。“忒修斯”这个名字起初可能是波塞冬的地方性绰号,后来才变成神话中的独立人物,他与波塞冬的联系从他与波塞冬的共同节日中可以得到证明。古代艺术作品中,他的形象近似于赫拉克勒斯。以下便是忒修斯成功举起巨石,取走父亲留给自己的信物的故事。 Theseus is the hero of Atticus in Greek mythology and the son of Athens king Euglas. Egos went on a roam and married Tetra’s Etra and left a token when he left. He said that if the tower had a son, he could get a token and go to Athens to meet him. Ascens grew up and successfully took out the token and went to Athens. On the way, he repeatedly made contributions. After arriving in Athens, he was almost poisoned by his stepmother, but Egos recognized him and declared him heir. Eros’s nephews launched a revolt for this purpose and were killed in defeat. When the Athenians tribute 7 young men and women each year to the monsters of the first person, Theseus voluntarily went to Crete as a tribute to kill the monsters. He once agreed with his father that he would raise Bai Fan if he came back from victory, but he forgot to raise Bai Fan when he came back, and his father cast himself to the sea. After the succession of the throne, Theseus united Attica, divided the Athenians into three classes, established the Pan-Athens Day, and prescribed many customs. Later, Theseus was expelled by the power-holders and went to Skaros, where he was killed. Legend has it that his widow was brought back to Athens for burial in the 5th century BC and the Athenians built a magnificent temple for him. The name “Centhus” may have been Poseidon’s local nickname at first, and later became an independent figure in mythology. His connection with Poseidon can be proved in his common festival with Poseidon. . In ancient works of art, his image is similar to Heracles. The following is the story of Theseus successfully lifting up the boulder and taking away the token left by his father.
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许多英美人的姓名都包含有一定的意义女孩子的常用名一般都与美丽纯雅爱情幸福等美好字眼有关;而男孩子的常用名多与勇敢富有胜利诚实等字眼有关下面是一些常见的英文名字及其含义  女孩常用名及其含义:  Agnes    阿格尼斯纯洁  Alice    艾丽斯    真理,美丽  Diana    黛安娜    月亮女神  Anna    安娜    优雅,仁慈  Lily    莉莉    百合花  C