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随着水声技术的不断发展,水声换能器作为声纳系统的重要组成部分,在水下工程中的应用越来越广泛,工作深度越来越大,换能器内外压力平衡的要求也相应越高。本论文研究的水下压力补偿系统针对的换能器工作于0-100米深度。本论文对换能器水下气体压力补偿系统进行了研究,主要是设计了一个控制精度较高,能够较长时间在水下工作的气体压力补偿系统。本论文主要工作是:综述了水下气体压力补偿系统的研究现状和发展趋势,三种水下气体压力补偿系统方案,分析其优缺点,确定本系统的补偿方案,并对方案进行了详细的分析同时分析了系统工作过程。详细描述了水下气体压力补偿系统的软硬件实现,包括系统主要元器件压力传感器、比例压力阀和控制器的选择,主电路和电气控制部分设计,数据采集和分析,PLC控制软件的编写等。最后进行了相应的实验及仿真,并对实验现象,实验数据和仿真结果进行了分析,为系统进一步优化及完善提供了方便。 With the continuous development of underwater acoustic technology, underwater acoustic transducers are an important part of sonar systems. They have become more and more widely used in underwater engineering. The working depth is increasing, and the pressure balance between internal and external transducers is required. The correspondingly higher. The underwater pressure compensation system studied in this dissertation is aimed at a transducer working at a depth of 0-100 meters. In this dissertation, the transducer underwater gas pressure compensation system is studied. The main purpose is to design a gas pressure compensation system that has high control precision and can work underwater for a long time. The main work of this dissertation is as follows: The current research status and development trend of underwater gas pressure compensation system are summarized. Three kinds of underwater gas pressure compensation system schemes are analyzed. Their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The compensation scheme of the system is determined, and the scheme is detailed. The analysis also analyzed the system work process. The hardware and software implementation of the underwater gas pressure compensation system is described in detail, including the selection of pressure sensors, proportional pressure valves and controllers for the main components of the system, the design of main circuits and electrical control parts, data acquisition and analysis, and the preparation of PLC control software. . Finally, the corresponding experiments and simulations were carried out, and the experimental phenomena, experimental data and simulation results were analyzed, which provided convenience for further optimization and improvement of the system.
1998年3月,笔者前往桓仁县木盂子镇仙人洞村采访,潘国权老人叼着一只挺大的黑色烟斗,坐在炕头上跟我唠抗联。  杨靖宇是1934年2月到仙人洞的。但老人记不得这个时间了,只记得那年自己18岁。  老人说:杨司令来村里之前,先来了一支部队。下半夜,随着狗叫了一阵子,就听外边有人群踩雪的脚步声,俺心里咯噔一下——胡子来了!那时,遍地起胡子,还有“棒子手”“砸孤丁”,虽然穷人家没啥可抢的,可好吃好喝也伺