Spatiotemporal variation of soil organic carbon in the cultivated soil layer of dry land in the Sout

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lqlq329807
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The dynamics of soil organic carbon(SOC)in cropland is one of the central issues related to both soil fertility and environmental safety. However, little information is available at county level regarding the spatiotemporal variability of SOC in the southwestern mountainous region of China. Thus, this study aimed to explore spatiotemporal changes of SOC in the cultivated soil layer of dry land in Mojiang County,Yunnan Province, China. Data were obtained from the second national soil survey(SNSS) of 1985 and soil tests for fertilizer application carried out by the Mojiang Agricultural Bureau in 2006. The ANOVA test was applied to determine any significant differences between the datasets, while semivariogram analysis was performed on geostatistics via an ordinary Kriging method in order to map spatial patterns of soil organic carbon density(SOCD). The results revealed that SOCD in the cultivated soil layer significantly decreased from 3.93 kg m~(-2) in 1985 to 2.89 kg m~(-2) in 2006, with a total soil organic carbon stock(SOCS) decrease of 41.54×10~4 t over the same period. SOCS levels fell most markedly in yellow-brown soil at a rate of51.52%, while an increase of 8.70% was found in the analysed latosol. Geostatistical analysis also showed that the recorded changes in SOCD between 1985 and2006 were spatially structured. The decreasing trend might be attributed to the combined action of intense cultivation, major crop residue removal without any protective tillage measures, unreasonable fertilization and natural climatic diversity inducing a large decrease in SOC in the studied cultivated dry land region of Mojiang County. Therefore, management measures such as protective tillage should be undertaken in order to enhance soil C sequestration. However, little information is available at county level regarding the spatiotemporal variability of SOC in the southwestern mountainous region of China. Thus , this study aimed to explore spatiotemporal changes of SOC in the cultivated soil layer of dry land in Mojiang County, Yunnan Province, China. Data were obtained from the second national soil survey (SNSS) of 1985 and soil tests for fertilizer application carried by by the Mojiang Agricultural Bureau in 2006. The ANOVA test was applied to determine any significant differences between the datasets, while semivariogram analysis was performed on geostatistics via an ordinary Kriging method in order to map spatial patterns of soil organic carbon density (SOCD). The results revealed that SOCD in the cultivated soil significantly decreased from 3.93 kg m -2 in 1985 to 2.89 kg m -2 in 2006, SOCS levels fell most markedly in yellow-brown soil at a rate of 51.52%, while an increase of 8.70% was found in the analytic latosol. Geostatistical analysis also showed that the recorded changes in SOCD between 1985 and 2006 were spatially structured. The decreasing trend might be attributed to the combined action of intense cultivation, major crop residue removal without any protective tillage measures, unreasonable fertilization and natural climatic diversity inducing a large decrease in SOC in the studied cultivated dry land region of Mojiang County. Therefore, management measures such as protective tillage should be undertaken in order to enhance soil C sequestration.
摘 要:二次作业法是一种正在探究和发展中的教学方法,目前可供借鉴的模式、程序和案例还很少,还没有引起教育理论界和中学一线教师广泛的重视。本文以中等职业学校数学教科书第二章《一元二次不等式的解法》为例,探讨如何运用二次作业法进行教学设计,以期为推进二次作业法在数学教学中的应用提供参考性资料。  关键词:“二次作业法”;“二次作业法”的一般程序;解一元二次不等式  中图分类号:G713 文献标识码:A
逆向思维,就是换个角度看问题,对培养孩子的思维能力大有裨益。本期推出一组逆向思维游戏,家长朋友可以通过它对孩子进行训练。 Reverse thinking, is another point of vie
6月8日 晴  最近我的同桌生病了,好几天没来上学。  “你的同桌没来呀?一个人坐,真爽!”几乎每一个经过我座位的人都要说上这么一句。  原先我也觉得挺好的,没有同桌,我就可以一人霸占整张桌子啦!写作业可以尽情地舒展双臂而不用担心碰着谁,感觉真不错!  然而,后来发生的一幕幕就让人苦恼不堪了,要知道没有同桌也很糟糕的——  上英语课的时候,老师让同桌分角色朗读课文C部分。可是很不幸,我的同桌不在,
查阅今年钢铁工业近期统计报表,发现有几组数据组成的逆向怪圈令人费解,引发思考:第一组是由大中型钢铁企业与地方中小型钢铁企业钢产量对比数据画出的怪圈。 Looking at th