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中共青岛市委书记张惠来在该市两级人大常委会主任读书班上强调,学习邓小平理论,要发扬理论联系实际的学风,努力提高运用邓小平理论指导工作的能力和水平。当前最重要的是要认真贯彻落实江泽民总书记反复强调的“一个中心,三个着眼于”的要求,具体把握好三个结合:一是要把学习邓小平理论同学习贯彻党的十五大精神结合起来。进一步加深对社会主义初级阶段基本国情的认识,加深对坚持以公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展基本经济制度的认识,加强对国有企业改革、政治体制改革的认识等,把思想统一到十五大精神上来,把智慧和力量凝 Zhang Hui-lai, party secretary of the CPC Qingdao Municipal Committee, emphasized in his reading class at the director of the two-level NPC Standing Committee that when studying Deng Xiaoping Theory, he should promote the academic style of integrating theory with practice and strive to improve the ability and level of using Deng Xiaoping Theory to guide the work. At present, the most important thing is to conscientiously implement the requirements set forth by General Secretary Jiang Zemin repeatedly emphasized by “one center and three with a view to” and specifically grasp the combination of the three. First, we must study Deng Xiaoping Theory in line with the study and implementation of the Party’s fifteen Great spirit together. Further deepen our understanding of the basic national conditions in the initial stage of socialism, deepen our understanding of the principle of adhering to the principle of public ownership as the mainstay and that of all kinds of economy under the common development of the basic economic system, and intensify our understanding of the reform of state-owned enterprises and the reform of the political system so as to unify our thinking to ten Five spirit, wisdom and strength condensate
本文从“教与学,会教与会学,教会与学会”三方面阐述了地理教学中的“教”与“学”。 This article expounds “teaching” and “learning” in geography teaching from t
2000年起,“绿色建筑”理念走进中国。今年,全国新增绿色建筑面积预计将达到10亿平方米以上,2020年,我国城镇绿色建筑占新建建筑比重将提升至50%。绿色建筑的发展如火如荼,其中被动式房屋也在近两年走红,并且以其独特优越的性能得到政府、企业和消费者的青睐。  然而,发展绿色建筑也出现了一些不良做法和倾向,企业想方设法把自己的技术和产品打上“绿色”标签。绿色建筑就意味着成本高、价格贵?被动式房屋这
本文从五个方面入手阐述了改进语文教学方法的几点认识。 This essay elaborates some understandings on how to improve Chinese teaching methods from five aspects.