Effects of Genetic Distance on International Trade:A Study from the Perspective of Cultural Heteroge

来源 :China Economist | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ohshady
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The bilateral trade barrier should include not only the geographical distance,but also the trade cost incurred by the transnational cultural heterogeneity.This paper takes the genetic distance,the measure of the genetic divergence between ethnic groups to a recent common ancestor,as the measure of cultural heterogeneity,and explains the validity of this measure.It uses the national weighting method to calculate the genetic distances between China and 110 countries,and carries out an empirical analysis of panel data from1996 to 2010 on the basis of the gravity model of trade.According to the results,when variables such as geographic distance are controlled,the genetic distance has a significant impediment on bilateral trade flows,and the impediment shows an increasing trend with the passage of time.There is a substitution effect between the impacts of genetic distance and geographic distance on the bilateral trade.Further analysis shows that the negative impact of the genetic distance on the trade flows between China and 24 developed countries is more significant.This paper uses the genetic distance among the main ethnic groups in the year of1500 as instrumental variable,and the panel Ⅳ estimation solves the problem of endogenity of the variables.The empirical results are robust. The bilateral trade barrier should include not only the geographical distance, but also the trade cost incurred by the transnational cultural heterogeneity.This paper takes the genetic distance, the measure of the genetic divergence between ethnic groups to a recent common ancestor, as the measure of cultural heterogeneity, and explains the validity of this measure. It uses the national weighting method to calculate the genetic distance between China and 110 countries, and carries out an empirical analysis of panel data from1996 to 2010 on the basis of the gravity model of trade. According to the results, when variables such as geographic distance are controlled, the genetic distance has a significant impediment on bilateral trade flows, and the impediment shows an increasing trend with the passage of time. There is a substitution effect between the impacts of genetic of genetic distance and geographic distance on the bilateral trade. Future analysis shows that the negative impact of the genetic distance o n the trade flows between China and 24 developed countries is more significant.This paper uses the genetic distance among the main ethnic groups in the year of1500 as instrumental variable, and the panel Ⅳ estimation solves the problem of endogenity of the variables.The empirical results are robust.
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