What can routh table offer in addition to stability?

来源 :Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Q13696800
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Routh stability test is covered in almost all undergraduate control texts. It determines the stability or, a litde beyond , the number of unstable roots of a polynomial in terms of the signs of certain entries of the Routh table constructed from the coefficients of the polynomial. The use of the Routh table, as far as the common textbooks show, is only limited to this function. We will show that the Routh table can actually be used to construct an orthonormal basis in the space of strictly proper rational functions with a common stable denominator. This orthonormal basis can then be used for many other purposes, including the computation of the H2 norm, the Hankel singular values and singular vectors, model reduction, H∞ optimization, etc. Routh stability test is covered in almost all undergraduate control texts. It determines the stability or, a litde beyond, the number of unstable roots of a polynomial in terms of the signs of certain entries of the Routh table constructed from the coefficients of the polynomial. The use of the Routh table, as far as the common textbooks show, is only limited to this function. We will show that the Routh table can actually be used to construct an orthonormal basis in the space of strictly proper rational functions with a common stable This orthonormal basis can then be used for many other purposes, including the computation of the H2 norm, the Hankel singular values ​​and singular vectors, model reduction, H∞ optimization, etc.
摘 要:学校的真正生命在课堂,它的质量保证是常态课。只有用心关注常态课,学生才能真正发展,教师的工作才有价值,老师的提升才有内涵,学校才有活力。本文从分析目前农村中学常态课的现状入手,结合自己的语文教学实践,谈谈上好常态课的看法,力求为农村中学的常态课教学提供一些参考,为大家带来一些启示。  关键词:常态课;现状;出路  中图分类号:G633 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2016
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