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人文素养是人文科学的研究能力、知识水平和人文科学体现出来的以人为对象、以人为中心的精神,即人的内在品质。它体现对人类生存意义和价值的关切,追寻人生美好的境界,提倡关切生命、维护人的尊严。与此同时,高度重视人类遗留下来的各种精神文化现象,其实质是人类的一种自我关怀。《文化生活》本身的“人文”气息特点和课程内涵能够对学生人文素养的培养和提升达到润物细无声的效果。在教学过程中,要创新教学视角,从美学的角度培养学生的人文素养;转变教学策略,增强生活体验,提升学生人文素养;深入钻研《文化生活》教材内容,挖掘教材的人文内涵。 Humanistic accomplishment is the research ability, level of knowledge and human-centered spirit embodied in the humanities, ie, the intrinsic quality of human beings. It reflects the concern for the meaning and value of human existence, pursues the beautiful realm of life, advocates the concern for life and protects human dignity. In the meantime, paying attention to the various spiritual and cultural phenomena left over by human beings is essentially a kind of self-care of mankind. “Cultural life” itself “humanities ” breath characteristics and curriculum content can cultivate and enhance students’ humanistic attainment to moisten things silently. In the process of teaching, we should innovate the perspective of teaching, cultivate the students ’humanistic accomplishment from the aesthetic point of view, change the teaching tactics, enhance the life experiences and enhance the students’ humanities accomplishment, further study the content of “cultural life” teaching materials, and excavate the humane connotation of teaching materials.
目的 探讨老年人恶性肿瘤与带状疱疹的关系.方法 回顾性分析586例65岁以上恶性肿瘤患者中并发带状疱疹12例.结果 586例患者中12例并发带状疱疹(2.05%).先查出肿瘤后出现带状疱疹者5例,先有带状疱疹后查出肿瘤者4例,肿瘤与带状疱疹同时出现者3例.结论 老年人肿瘤患者机体免疫力降低容易并发带状疱疹,老年人带状疱疹患者应该注意肿瘤方面的检查。
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