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苏共老党员库马宁莫·佛·库马宁,是苏共老党员,曾参加过第一次世界大战,1918年加入苏联红军,在第一次卫国战争期间,历任苏军炮兵营长、团长和步兵旅长等职。1926年,库马宁奉派来华,担任黄埔军校军事顾问,并以“齐冈”作为自己的中国名字。1927年5月,武汉国民政府决定继续北伐后,库马宁任贺龙部第二十军军事顾问。在汪精卫发动“七一五”反革命政变后,贺龙遵照中国共产党的指示率第二十军南 Former member of the Soviet Communist Party Kumainimu Buddha Kumaining, an old member of the Soviet Communist Party, who participated in the First World War, joined the Soviet Red Army in 1918, during the first Patriotic War, served as the Soviet artillery battalion Long, head and infantry brigade commander. In 1926, Kumanin was sent to China to serve as military advisor to the Whampoa Military Academy, and his “Qi Gang” was his own Chinese name. In May 1927, following the decision of the Kuomintang government in Wuhan to continue the Northern Expedition, Kumanin served as military adviser to the Twentieth Army of He Long Division. After Wang Jingwei launched the “715” counterrevolutionary coup, He Long followed the instructions of the Chinese Communist Party
世界上,有很多事情往往是突如其来,世界经济气候有时候也会刮风下雨,有时候也会雷鸣电闪,有时候也会霜打雪逼。 There are many things in the world that are often sudden
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Helix-Symmetrical polymer possesses not only translation symmetry but also rotationsymmetry.On the basis of this kind of symmetry,a new linear combination meth
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