AOD estimation in WSN localization system with synthetic aperture technique

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yongren803
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Angel of departure(AOD) based distributed localization scheme in wireless sensor networks allows the single antenna sensor node to estimate its own AOD information by an equivalent antenna array for further position calculation.However,the condition that the number of antennas at the multi-antenna agent/anchor node should be larger than the number of multipath signal components(MPCs) constrains its actual application.In this paper,we provide a more practical approach to achieve AOD information estimation under multipath environment.Given that the sensor node can not identify the line of sight(LOS) signal component due to the insufficient degree of freedom,which is determined by the above limiting condition,we introduce a synthetic aperture technique with the aid of a fast moving multi-antenna agent/anchor node.This operation greatly enlarges the degree of freedom of the equivalent antenna array constructed at sensor node end but without requiring other extra physical antennas equipped at agent/anchor node or sensor node end,which means that it relaxes the limiting condition.Therefore,the AOD information of LOS signal component can be estimated and extracted successfully in complex multipath environment.Theoretical analysis proves the effectiveness of our proposed synthetic aperture technique and numerical simulations show great performance improvement. Angel of departure (AOD) based distributed localization scheme in wireless sensor networks allows the single AOD information by an equivalent antenna array for further position calculation. However, the condition that the number of antennas at the multi-antenna agent / anchor node should be larger than the number of multipath signal components (MPCs) constrains its actual application. In this paper, we provide a more practical approach to achieve AOD information estimation under multipath environment. Giving that the sensor node can not identify the line of sight (LOS) signal component due to the insufficient degree of freedom, which is determined by the above limiting condition, we introduce a synthetic aperture technique with the aid of a fast moving multi-antenna agent / anchor node. the degree of freedom of the equivalent antenna array constructed at sensor node end but not requiring other extra physical antennas equipped at agent / anchor node or sensor node end, which means that it relaxes the limiting condition.Therefore, the AOD information of LOS signal component can be estimated and extracted successfully in complex multipath environment. Theoretical analysis proves the effectiveness of our proposed synthetic aperture technique and numerical simulations show great performance improvement.
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